Friday, February 6, 2015

Wedding Dilemma

Of course the week I find out I'm pregnant also happens to be the same week my good friend, Holly is getting married. I'm not just attending the wedding as a guest. I'm IN the wedding as MATRON OF HONOR. Holly's wedding was one of the first things that crossed my mind when I stared at the positive pregnancy test. Again, a million questions....

How should I tell her?
Should I tell her?
What excuse can I come up with?
Should I even bother telling her?
OMG, she's going to be upset that I can't indulge in adult beverages at her wedding.
There's no way I can tell people, "no thanks" as they pour me a drink.
How am I going to pull this off? My friends know me and will instantly guess.

After I booked my OB appointment the wedding was the next topic John and I discussed. We thought it would be good to just come clean and tell her ahead of time to avoid any chaos, although we really didn't want to tell people this early. But, I had no choice at this point.

I text Holly Wednesday asking if she wanted to hang out. She invited me over for dinner and I grabbed dessert on the way (pregnancy cravings already). It just so happens that this week in KC, Boulevard's Chocolate Ale was released. Chocolate Ale was something that Holly and I were adamant about getting this year. Ironically, I had purchased 2 bottles and she had bought 3. Of course, we sat down for dinner and she poured me a beer. I  was still formulating in my head how I was going to pass on the beer and announce that I am pregnant.

A few moments passed and I came clean with the news. The look on Holly's face was priceless and I knew she was quite surprised. Deep down I felt a little guilty that this was somehow going to ruin her wedding day. I don't know why I felt that way, but I did. I didn't want to make this all about "me" because it's her weekend. But, I also didn't want it to come up as we were about to do a toast and then I was suddenly not drinking.

Anyways, that task is done and Holly and her fiance are the only one's that currently know our big secret. It's KILLING me to not tell my family yet. I wanted to call everyone I knew on Wednesday morning when I got the confirmation. But, it's early and we want to be cautious. This experience is a gift and admittedly we are both pleasantly surprised it happened naturally.

Until at least the 17th we will continue to keep this Little Leach a secret. :)

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