Wednesday, February 18, 2015

First Appointment

John and I ventured to the OB office yesterday for our first appointment for our little peanut. Our visit was with the nurse practitioner (who is totally awesome) and was packed with a ton of information! We were given the run down of week by week what would be happening and what to expect at each OB visit. It was determined that my due date is October 5th, although there is still a tad to question as my cycles aren't the usual 28 days. So they figured I'm about 7 weeks and 2 days along. I was secretly hoping for a sonogram just to confirm how far along I truly was but, I was not going to get that lucky yesterday.

I had to get several tubes of blood drawn and schedule some future appointments. We will be going back on Monday the 23rd for our first sonogram and then my first appointment with Dr. W is on March 24th.

Things seem to be moving along! We are just excited to see our little peanut on Monday and get more confirmation. We pray that things continue to go well and that I continue to feel good overall.

Week 5 pic and post first OB appointment. John asked me if I was pushing out my stomach. I wish I could say yes, but it appears I am simply bloated. :)

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