Friday, February 6, 2015

I can't believe my eyes

Wednesday, February 4th

Holy moly, what a whirlwind of emotions that are currently happening in this house. John is currently in New Hampshire for work, and I am going to explode if I have to be home alone any longer.

Here's the scoop...

John left for Colorado to ski with some friends last Thursday (1/29). This has been an unusually long trip as he had to fly to New Hampshire for work yesterday (2/3). I have been doing anything possible around the condo and also catching up with people I don't often see when John is home.

I had gone to dinner with my cousin last night. She had asked me at dinner if I was pregnant yet. I professed that I wasn't and that I have been a little discouraged about the whole process, etc. It was at dinner that my wheels started spinning, "maybe I am pregnant??". After all, I had suddenly felt tired the last 2 days at work, felt a little more emotional, and my boobs were suddenly bigger. Hmm.... I thought about it but also figured I was about to start my cycle any day. I had also taken a digital pregnancy test on Sunday prior to SuperBowl festivities and it was negative.

I got home from dinner and thought, "what the heck, I'll take another test for a piece of mind." Much to my surprise, I did NOT expect there to be a faint, little blue line. Oh boy, did the emotions run high.

Holy cow is that positive?
Why does John have to be half way around the country?
Guess it was good I didn't have a margarita at dinner.

Much to my disbelief, I took a picture and immediately sent it to John (who was in the Baltimore airport waiting to board his next flight. Timing is awesome, huh?). We both had a chuckle and agreed that there was a little faint line. John said he wasn't too surprsed and that he had a feeling. I told him I was going to re-test in the morning, although he tried to get me to wait 2 more days. :)

Imagine trying to sleep, home alone, when you think you could be pregnant. I woke up every 2 hours and then was wide awake by 3:30. My bladder felt like it was going to explode so, I shuffled my way into the bathroom to test again, this time with a digital pregnancy test.

It's true when people say the moment before you get a positive result seems like an eternity. And, it definitely felt that way. About 2 long minutes later the word "pregnant" popped up. Oh. My. Gosh. Again, a wave of emotions came flooding through. It's 3:30 AM, John is on the east coast, and I am staring at a positve pregnancy test!!!

A whirlwind of thoughts were running through my mind at that moment. I was wishing so badly that John was home. I immediately tried calling him (poor guy's flight got in late in New Hampshire and had only been asleep 3 hours) but his phone kept ringing. I knew he was probably in a deep sleep. After about 10 attempts he finally answered, all groggy from sleeping. I immediately told him I was pregnant. He was surprised, excited, and shocked (and half asleep).

We are going to be parents!

Test #1, 2/3/15
Test #2, 2/4/15

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