Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Nursery Update: Part 3

We are ALMOST finished completing the nursery for our little guy. His crib is ready to go, pictures are hung, and John was able to assemble his dresser over the weekend. The poor guy spent the majority of his Saturday putting this daunting piece of furniture together. I will say his hard work has paid off and the dresser looks perfect in his room!

Hard at work.

Ta-daaaah! The finished product.

Pictures framed, sheets washed, and mobile assembled for his crib. Our nautical theme has turned out perfect!

The final "to-do" for the nursery is for our chair to be assembled (gosh, there is a lot of furniture assembly for one little human!). John will likely get to that in the next week or two. Other than finishing the furniture, there is just a little more washing and organizing of items and we're all set for our little guy.

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