Thursday, September 17, 2015

35 Weeks

The arrival of this little babe is getting closer and closer! So crazy to think we have just 5 (well a little less now) weeks until my due date. We have been finishing up a lot at home and starting to get prepared for the fact that this little one could grace us with his presence really at any time. Here's the scoop:

How Far Along? 35 weeks

Total Weight Gain: 27 as of last week

Maternity Clothes: Mostly. You betcha!

Sleep: What sleep?! Quality sleep has been rare these days. Some nights I'm lucky and can manage to get 4-5 solid hours. I try to go to bed around 9:30, but seem to get up to pee at least 3 times between 9:30 and midnight before officially settling in for the night.

Best Moment This Week: Feeling all of his acrobat moves. He's been putting on quite the performances at home in the evenings.

Movement: TONS! He moves all the time!

Food Cravings: Anything sweet or salty!

Gender: BOY!

Labor Signs: Occasional Braxton-Hicks, nothing regular yet. Although I can't help but wonder when the day will actually come that they are consistent and I'm truly in labor.

Belly Button (in or out): Pretty much an outie! All of my co-workers get a kick out of this.

What I miss: Working out, not having sciatic nerve pain, and sleep! :)

What I am looking forward to: Holding our son for the first time. I have spent a lot of time day dreaming recently about his delivery and our first few days at home. I'm nervous, scared, and excited all at the same time. I can't wait to see what/who he looks like.

I had my weekly BPP sono today and he did great, scoring an 8/8! I got to see Lynne, our favorite sonographer so that totally made my morning. She is always so good about taking her time and really pointing out what things are and how he's positioned. I'll go back again next Friday, this time to start my weekly (gulp!) OB visits until I deliver. WEEKLY! I'll also have my sono and he'll get measurements again.

Not much else to report. We will spend time this weekend assembling the car seat, getting the hospital bags ready, and just finishing any little "to-do's" that remain. We have busy weekends the next few weeks so I'm anxious to just get things checked off of our list. And of course, if I can find the energy, just keeping up with the house work will make things easier as the weeks pass by. :)

Keep up the good work little buddy. We are getting so, so excited to meet you and snuggle you!
Cute little face shots from the sonogram. The left picture shows a hand under his chin and his plump, pouty lips.
Whoa, baby!
Getting bigger!

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