Sunday, August 30, 2015


As I say it every week, time is flying by! We're quickly approaching the end of this pregnancy and I'd say we're pretty much ready (minus the fact that we still need to buy his car seat so we can bring him home).

I kicked off the week with the obligatory belly shots.

My photographer neglected to mention my hair was a little wacky for these pics.

After a long day at work, I officially noted some swollen feet. Poor little piggies!

John often tells me that I don't look pregnant from behind. So, I finally decided to document the compliment before it becomes untrue.

Our little guy is still putting on quite the ninja moves at night. I love how John gets so excited to feel him move and often just sits on the couch resting his hand(s) on my belly.

Story time- this time with a new book "The Night the World Turned Royal Blue." This book was written by a local dad, summarizing the Royal's 2014 Wild Card game to get into the World Series. The author had written the book in dedication to his son, who was just a few weeks old at the time of the game. Definitely a favorite in the collection.

I headed to see my OB again on Friday AM. As usual, the appointment started with a BPP. Little man did good despite being stubborn with a good profile shot and giving us some obvious breathing movements. Although we didn't get a good profile shot, we managed to get a picture of his cute, little toes!

My visit with my OB went well. I asked a lot of questions around signs of labor, when to call, when to not call, etc. She eased my mind with a lot of things. It's crazy to me that we're almost to the end and that these questions will soon become reality.

The weekend brought forth a lot of nesting projects. John was gracious enough to assemble the dresser. Poor guy spent a good majority of his Saturday putting the thing together. His hard work paid off and the dresser is absolutely perfect for his room.

Hard at work. Please ignore the clutter in the background.....

So perfect and already organized with baby blankets and apparel.

We managed to sneak in a last minute date night on Saturday to take a break from the dresser assembly. John managed to find our favorite food trucks all gathered in a nearby park. As usual, the food did not disappoint! It was gorgeous weather and we enjoyed the time together.

We finished off our weekend with our maternity photo shoot out at Shannon's farm Sunday evening. We had originally planned the pictures for Saturday night, but a cloudy day with no sun caused us to re-schedule. Sunday started out mostly cloudy with little moments of sun, so we took a gamble and headed to Shannon's. The weather was perfect and the sun gave us great evening light for an hour so we could get through pictures. It could not have been more perfect! We had a great time shooting the session and we can't wait to see the proofs!!

Week 32, you were good to us, and we can't wait to see what week 33 has in store!

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