Sunday, September 6, 2015


This week brought some new things to the table with this pregnancy. Here's the scoop.....

Things I'm still loving:
  • Baby's acrobats: this kid is going to be one gigantic ball of energy. He moves ALL THE TIME! It's still so fun to feel him move and it's even more fun to watch John interact with him. Based on my sonogram last Thursday, he is still head down, back is facing outward, and his little feet were up by his face. This kid was literally folded in half like a little burrito. :)
  • Washing tiny clothes and nesting: it's been fun to organize the nursery. It won't be long until we spend many days/nights in his room.
  • Getting sonograms weekly: it's the hilight of my week to be able to see him weekly and see how he's doing. Last week the sonographer told us he seems to have a good amount of hair on his little head. She also informed me that his head is very average, which is good for me. :) Thanks, lady!
Things I'm not loving as much:
  • Sciatic nerve pain: OUCH! This has really gotten worse this week and is oddly debilitating. It's mostly on my right side. Hurts to sit, hurts to stand, hurts to walk. You get the point!
  • Feet/ankle swelling: This issue seems to have made more of an appearance this week. We had a good chuckle Saturday night when we got home from a long day with friends. My poor little toes looked like mini sausages and my ankles were almost non-exhistant. :( Not exaclty the most attractive look.
  • My huge "to-do" list: We still have some things to buy off of our registry and they are big items we can't exactly skip (car seat, swing, changing table pad...). I also need to go buy some nursing tanks and bras. I've started thinking about my hospital bag but haven't started packing anything. I know we still have 6 weeks until my due date, but that small number scares me! In a 3 more weeks I'll technically be considered "full term" and he could decide to make an appearance at any time.

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