Sunday, September 6, 2015

5 years!

We celebrated 5 years of marriage last Thursday. Five!!! It seems so impossible that 5 years have flown so quickly. For past anniversary celebrations we have typically posted ourselves up in a chair on the beach somewhere, sipping a frozen cocktail. But, this year was different and unique in a special way. :)

With our little man still baking in utero, we stayed in the KC area. John and I both agreed to take the afternoon off of work and spend the afternoon together, just the two of us (well, technically 3). We both got home around noon and immediately headed for a yummy lunch at Milwakee Delicatessen, a restaurant within walking distance from our condo that has yummy pizza and sandwiches. It was so nice to have lunch together chatting about the last 5 years of our marriage, how far we come, hardships we've faced along the way, and how our son will soon add a whole new dynamic to it all. :) 

Post lunch we headed to another sonogram appointment to see our boy. Again, all was well and we are so thankful. We even learned that he has a good amount of hair! Post sonogram we headed to the Royal's game. We enjoyed tailgating, got to watch a great game, and just had fun relaxing and enjoying the time together.

When I stop and really think about it, we have accomplished so much in 5 years.

  • We've learned to love each other, unconditionally, through the good times and the bad times.
  • We've traveled the world: 3 times to Mexico, 2 times to Puerto Rico, 3 Times to New York, Chicago, Ireland, Scotland, Colorado, and North Carolina. Plus all of the little weekend trips we've taken in between.
  • We've really grown and learned how to work through adverse situations, and when one of us makes the other one mad we are quick to forgive and move on.
  • We've really learned to respect each other and support each other's goals and dreams.
  • John started grad school (and is less than a year from graduating) and got asked to manage a new project at work!
  • I was promoted into a big role at work. John always talks about how good this has been for me.
  • Came to the decision to start a family.
We really have grown tremendously in our marriage from day one. As we had lunch we sat there discussing how green our relationship was when we got married and how we both feel like "we've done it right". We always said we wanted 3-5 years of being married before starting a family. Spending that time traveling and just enjoying eachother, having fun in the moment. And when we stop and really think about it we have had FUN. Pure, genuine fun. We both feel like our years of just the two of us has really made us appreciate each other and prepare us for this next step in our lives: parenthood.

John- I love you more than you will ever know. Thank you for being the rock in our marriage, for providing for our family, and loving me (and our son) unconditionally. God truly blessed me when he led me to you. Happy Anniversary and here's to the next 50 years of FUN together!! :)

The big day: September 3, 2010
5 years later.... awaiting the arrival of our sweet boy.
5 years of FUN!

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