Saturday, September 26, 2015

36 Weeks.... HOME STRETCH!

We are officially on the downhill slide to meeting this babe! 36 weeks hit and it suddenly hit us that we could really meet this little guy any time, although we would much prefer he continues to bake a little longer. :)

For the most part I'm feeling pretty good. I'm definitely slowing down and feeling more uncomfortable. Sleep is not optimal but I can usually bank on about 5 hours each night (mostly between 12-1 until 5-6 am). In terms of readiness..... his room is all ready to go, baby bag is packed, my bag is partially packed, the car seat is out of the box (will be mounted in the car this weekend), and everything else has been cleaned/washed  for this babe. I would say mentally we are "ready or not" as he is so close to being here. Can you truly feel mentally ready for a baby and all of the ways it's about to change your life/marriage with your spouse? Didn't think so.... :) We just keep telling ourselves it's one day at a time and we're enjoying all of the little things along the way as we come to an end with this pregnancy.

I had my 36 week OB appointment on Friday morning. I first had another sono, this time with growth measurements. This week also officially started weekly visits with my OB. I will now see her weekly until I deliver (gulp)! Here's a rundown of my appointment.....

  • Sonogram: little man is estimating around 6lbs 10 oz (+/- 6oz). He's definitely not a runt. He passed all of his BPP scores again with an 8/8. The sonographer said his head is "way low" and he was caught being cute, sucking on his hand and moving around a lot during the scan.
  • Dr. Apt: This was the first of my weekly appointments with my OB. Total weight gain is 27. BP was elevated but, ok at 138/88. I got my finger pricked to check for anemia and all is good there. I got the lovely swab for Group B Strep so I'll get those results next week. Belly is measuring 37/38cm. We talked for a while about labor signs and if I wanted to have an epidural (umm, yes!). She advised once contractions become consistently around 5 minutes for an hour to call first and then we'd go from there. Next week we'll start checking my cervix. I'll be curious to know if I have started making any changes. We're getting so close!!
It's hard to believe we are getting closer and closer to the end. We are getting very excited to meet our son. In fact, I asked John last night at dinner how he was feeling about everything. He said, "Excited. Mostly anxious, but excited!"

His cute foot/leg and hand.
The growing belly! :)

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