Monday, September 28, 2015

Things I'll Miss

As I sit at home tonight, officially 37 weeks pregnant, I can't help but reflect a little on the things that I am going to miss most about being pregnant. It's crazy that we are so close to the end! This pregnancy feels as though it suddenly has passed so quickly and I am eternally grateful for every second. So, without further are the top 10 things I will miss the most when I'm no longer pregnant.

10.) The excuse to basically take liberties when eating any meal. The baby wants BBQ? So momma gets him BBQ. The baby wants Thai food? Then momma gets him thai food. I am hungry at 10:00pm and want cereal? So I get cereal. Are you seeing a pattern here? Oh, and lets not forget about the excuse to eat that little piece of dessert most days. :)

9.) Wearing maternity pants/clothes. The pants are stretchy and comfortable and the tops still make the bump cute and acceptable to hang out. Plus after a meal, I have the excuse to let it all hang out. :)

8.) Having those around me help me carry/lift things. Although there are times where I have been resistant to help, it is appreciated.

7.) Seeing little man weekly via sonogram and hearing his little heart just beat away. 

6.) Researching baby gear/items for what is the best to use for baby.

5.) The excuse to peruse through Target leisurely gawking at baby clothes and other items. Although I'm sure John doesn't appreciate the Target trips as it directly impacts our bank account. :)

4.) The many conversations around being pregnant and sharing pregnancy advise/stories when asked. It's been fun to talk about being pregnant and comparing stories with friends that have been or are currently pregnant. It's amazing how 2 pregnancies can be so different.

3.) John and I watching the weekly video/update on what fruit or vegetable our little peanut compares to. It's been fun to read up on his weekly development. It's crazy that the first time we read one he was the size of a "sesame seed" he's the size of a "winter melon". Human development is truly a miraculous thing, itsn't it?

2.) I will miss John loving and doting over my belly and pregnancy figure. He has been THE BEST partner to be on this journey with. He is always kissing my belly, has a hand on my belly whenever we are sitting together, reading to him, talking to him, etc. He is already a great father and our son is still in the womb. I think his affection during this pregnancy is well documented in our maternity picture below. He has been involved from day one and has been so loving and enthusiastic along the way. I am eternally greatful for his love and support.

1.) What will I miss the most? I will miss the fact that I won't have my little peanut attached to me at all times. I will miss his kicks, punches, rolls, ninja moves, hiccups, and the way that he makes me feel calm and complete.  Pregnancy is truly a gift from God and I am so blessed to have experienced 37 weeks of surprise and adventure. It's crazy that you can already have so much love for someone that you have never even met. This pregnancy has made me appreciate so much more in life and has made me more mellow. I know that each day is a gift and to soak up all of the little things as this is the only time I'll be pregnant with our first child. God is so good and I pray that he continues to guide us safely through the next 3 weeks as we get ready to meet our son. 

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