Sunday, August 9, 2015

Nursery Progress

John and I have spent the last several weekends trying to get our little man's room ready. With living in our 2 bedroom condo, we have had to go through a lot of junk, make several Goodwill trips, and get creative on storage strategies. Once the room was painted we ordered our crib (thanks, Amazon!) and John assembled it. He admitted that it wasn't as terrible to assemble as he thought it would be and only required 2 adult beverages. :)

We are slowly, but surely making progress! This weekend we finished cleaning out the room/de-cluttering and John was able to get the picture frames, mirror, and curtain rod hung. Now, we are just waiting on curtains to arrive Tuesday, decide on a dresser, and make another trip to Nebraska Furniture Mart in the near future to get our small recliner/rocker. We will still need to get his bedding and a lamp to match, but we're going to wait until after my shower. 

We are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We're both excited, anxious, and nervous all rolled into one. After we finished cleaning up the room today, John said, "Wow, now doesn't this room look different." Since we've lived together in the condo, our spare room has been our office/bike storage/junk room. Now, it's all tidy, clean, and ready for a cute little man to occupy the space in +/- 10 weeks. :)

Daddy hard at work.

Assembly complete!

Mirror, frames, and curtain rod all hung. Just waiting on custom pictures froms cousin Brittany for the frames and for the curtains to arrive this week. Eeek! 

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