Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Mom's Weekend Fun & Baby Shower

Baby L and I have finally recovered from the most fun weekend! I took PTO on Friday the 14th so I could kick off girls weekend with my family. My sisters had had my shower planned for Saturday along with a weeekend full of fun.

It was so fun to just relax and hang with the girls. It's been many years since that has happened. After a while of girl talk we all turned in for the night to prepare for our busy Saturday ahead.

Everyone arrived Friday around noon, just in time to hit up OK Joe's for lunch! It was a long and hot wait outside, but well worth it! 

Post lunch we headed to my favorite nail spot downtown for pedicure. It was so nice to relax and get pampered.

Tweedle dee and tweedle dum

All of our pretty toes!!

Once our toes were all beautified we met John at a brewery in the crossroads for a beer (water for me!). We spent some time chatting before heading to The Legends for some shopping. Aunt Meggie was on a mission for some good deals with Aunt Malia's help. Grammy and mommy spent most of the time resting our feet. After a long day we headed back downtown to grab pizza at D'Bronx and head home for pj's and wine (again, more water for me!). 

Malia came prepared with fun shirts for this special occasion. :) 2 boy moms and 2 girl moms!

Saturday was Baby Shower Day! After downing some yummy cinnamon rolls for breakfast and relaxing a bit, we all got ready to head north to the clubhouse for the event. Mom and I dropped Malia and Meg off so they could prep the space, while we hit up Target for a fan (the clubhouse was HOT), coffee, and maternity/hospital goods (thanks, mom!). Once we were given the "all clear", we were free to enter the space and scope out the details. 

Side note: My sisters did an AMAZING job on the shower and it could not have been more perfect. It was so perfect it even made me tear up. 

Funny, quoted diapers for late night diaper changes.

The main table: so awesome that they stuck with the nautical theme of his nursery. The details were just perfect.


Another table shot. The sailboat and hat also add to Baby L's nursery decor.

Yummy cupcakes! Lemon, Chocolate, and Vanilla.

Centerpieces for the tables- made out of our cloth diapers which we'll use as burp rags.

John and I as babies/toddlers. Just who will this kid look like?

The girls

With the hosts and Aunts!

The shower passed quickly between opening presents to trying to mingle with everyone that made an appearance. I'm ashamed that I have ZERO pictures of me opening any gifts as well as pictures with family and friends (aside from the ones with my mom and sisters).

Once we cleaned up the space we loaded up to head back to the condo to freshen up for dinner. The Terrain was literally packed to the top and Malia and Meg had to sit on top of each other. You can't even see Malia behind me in the picture below.

All of the goodies!

We had decided on Avenues Bistro in Brookside for dinner. I had never been but had heard great reviews. Dinner started off with a few cocktails, or in my case a "mocktail".

Which one of these is not like the other?

Rare but, fabulous mother/daughter photos!

In true Birnbaum fashion we left dinner immediately seeking options for dessert. We ended up trying Foo's Custard in Brookside, not far from our dinner spot. I had never been to Foo's, but had heard great things about it. It was definitely a hit as we all devoured our custart concoctions. They were so delicious and devoured so quickly that no one got a picture. Leaving Foo's we stopped at The Roasterie for coffee and headed home for pj's. We were all exhausted, but that didn't stop us from looking through all of the baby gifts again before bed.

Sunday came too quickly and everyone was up and out the door between 9-10. It truly was the most perfecct weekend! I'm so thankful for the time with my mom and sisters and this was definitely a weekend to remember forever. We all agreed that at least annually we need to leave the men in charge of the kids and enjoy a mother/daughter weekend.

Thank you again, sisters for showering your new nephew with so much love! Your nephew (and me) are so blessed!

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