Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Fun at 31

The 17th kicked off week 31 for Baby L and I. Here's a re-cap in pictures.

A rare mom and dad shot: dinner on the plaza- 30 weeks, 6 days.

31 weeks with my little basketball!

Saturday we got up early to head east to visit the Widmer's. We had wanted to see the boys before the baby arrives. Kind of "one last hoorah" before we lose our "cool aunt and uncle" status once we become parents. The boys were a tad excited to see us. Well.....mostly excited to see their Uncle John. :)

We all enjoyed a yummy lunch at Shakespeare's.

Then enjoyed some play time at the park. Jack met some new friends at the park. He even tried to lure them into playing with him by inviting them to "come meet my Uncle John". Again....when Uncle John is around everyone else is chopped liver.

The best shot I could get of Bryce on the slide.

Time to swing!

After the park, the fun continued at the house post dinner and bath time.

One of the cutest parts of the day was Jack's curiosity towards his cousin in utero. He still thinks I "swallowed" him and is curious as to how he is going to get out. He was very sweet as he would hug, kiss, and zerbert my belly. Before he went to bed he got to feel him move. His reaction was priceless and was adiment that him kicking meant he is trying to get out. :) It's so fun to see this experience through a kids eyes and see them get equally excited.

And for an update on our little guy.....
I had another sono last Friday for my second BPP. He passed again with flying colors. His head still remains down, this time with a fist under his chin and a foot over one eye. Yes, you read that right, a FOOT over his eye. Silly baby! I was pleased to finally get another profile shot of him as he's been stingy most times not giving us a good shot. I'm looking forward to this Friday's BPP as they will measure him and check his growth.

The weeks are seriously flying by! We are getting so close to meeting our little man and we cannot wait. 

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