Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Week 30 came and went in the blink of an eye! 30 just makes it all sound so official.That's just 10 weeks, people! 10 weeks that I'm sure are going to pass so quickly.

I had my first official BPP on Friday and an appointment with the nurse practitioner (my OB had to suddenly leave town). The BPP went great and little man passed with flying colors. He is still head down and had his spine facing out towards by belly button. We had a different sonographer this time, but she was still great and made sure to point out everything. He was all snuggled in cross legged which kept him more modest this time. :) It was neat to see his breathing pattern as that wasn't anything we had been shown before. A bit stingy with a good profile shot, we still managed to see what appears to be chubby cheeks (like daddy) and a prominent/pointy chin (like mommy). All in all, he looks great and we're so thankful!

My visit with the nurse practitioner went well. Really nothing new to report or discuss. She did inform me that I passed my glucose test with flying colors and that my other labs looked great. I did go ahead and get my TDAP vaccine while I was there, John will have to get one from CVS/Walgreens in the coming weeks before he's born. I'll do another BPP on Friday and then will see my OB in 2 weeks.

Post BPP and OB apt, John and I headed over to the hospital to pre-register for my admission. The lady that helped us was an absolute hoot! We were there for a good 45 minutes completing paperwork, etc before getting a brief tour of the L&D room. I think it all became more real when I actually saw the L&D room and realized, "yep, this is about to happen, and it's about to happen to me". So many emotions running through my mind!

I just pray on a daily basis that it all goes well and that there is a safe outcome for both myself and our little guy. I am forever grateful for this experience thus far. We can't wait to finally meet him, see who he'll look like, and get to know his personality.

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