Sunday, August 9, 2015

29 Weeks

Where, oh where, is the time going? Did I seriously just finished the last week of my 20's of this pregnancy? Yup, sure did. Here's a re-cap....

Things I'm loving:

  • Feeling him move. Gosh, it's the best ever! I love it even more when John feels him move. Seeing John's face light up is just the icing on the cake of my day. Little man moves ALL. THE. TIME! Day, night, while I'm sitting at work, while I'm driving, etc. The kid is going to be active and I am already planning on never sleeping again. :)
  • Getting his room ready. It's so surreal to me that we are preparing our home and our lives for a baby. I tell John all the time that it seriously feels like a dream and I wonder when I'm going to wake up. I often find myself walking into his room and just looking around at how different it looks and envisioning a tiny human occupying the crib soon.
  • Sorting/washing clothes- I spent a majority of Saturday washing newborn and 3m clothing. The smell of Dreft flooded through the condo and suddenly I was in baby heaven. It was fun sorting and organizing his clothes and deciding which ones I would likely take to the hospital in just 10 short weeks.
  • John's smitten-ness (if that's even a word...) with me and our babe. He's been so accomodating, patient, and I can tell he's completely over the moon even when he admits he's scared/anxious for his arrival. This experience has made me fall more in love with John and have more respect for him. He still compliments me on how amazing I'm doing and how level headed I remain (even with a few emotional breakdowns).
  • The bump: it's without a doubt growing and protruding more. Clothes are a bit of a challenge these days, but I'm determined to make it another 10 weeks with what I've got on hand.
Things I'm not liking so much:
  • My hormones. They are making me feel absolutely out of control. My fuse has been super short, I will cry at anything, and I'm fearful of disappointing John in every aspect.
  • Tolerance to heat- a.k.a. zero tolerance. We've tried to do several outdoor evening activities and I'm beyond intolerant and super whiney. I feel bad for John in these instances because before I would power through. Now, not so much.
  • Zero energy- I have hardly any energy at the end of the day to workout/go for a walk. This makes me feel even worse about myself physically.
  • Asking for help- I've been used to lifting and moving anything I want, whenever I want to. Now I'm more cautious and ask for help, but hate inconveniencing John with my requests.

I spent a majority of my Saturday dragging out all of the clothes that Aunt Meggie donated to us (thanks for having boys in the fall months, sister!!). I spent time organizing the items by size, washed majority of the newborn to 6 month items, and got them stored away and ready for use. I had been thinking lately that if he for some reason graces us with his presence early, I have zero newborn items ready for him to wear. So, problem solved and mind eased.

We ended our week putting more time into the nursery (see preious post). We're getting closer and only have  few more big items to buy then, I can organize everything to my little hearts content.

We are both feeling some thoughts of fear and anxiety as we have only +/- 10 weeks to go. Despite our fears, we of ourse feel beyond blessed and can't wait until the day we get to meet our little man we've been so in love with for the last 29.6 weeks. God is so amazing and I pray that he continues to watch over us. 

Tomorrow will kick off week 30 and it's going to be an eventful one: OB apt/sonogram Friday, my mom and sisters are coming to stay for the weekend, and my sisters are hosting my baby shower on Saturday. Bring it on week 30, we're ready for you!! :)

29 week bump!

My impulsive Target purchase after a rough Monday. But seriously, how cute is this ensemble?

What we do most evenings at home....feel our little guy move around.

The beginning of the washing/organizing.

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