Thursday, August 6, 2015


Ah yes, pregnancy hormones. It's safe to say that my 3rd trimester has started with a bang. John would say that I've been pretty level headed since being pregnant. Easier to get along with, less hormonal, and more laid back (guess I was a little high maintenance/high strung pre-pregnancy??). And really, I would agree with him. Maybe it's the fact that we're finally pregnant and don't currently have the stress of trying to conceive and being disappointed each month...who knows.

I will admit, the last 1.5 weeks has been an emotional roller coaster. I'm hyper-sensitive, stressed out, and will cry over the dumbest crap. For example, I cried the other night because we're going to a baseball game for our 5th Anniversary next month. Seriously!? What is my deal!? John did tell me last night, "even though you've had your emotional moments, I'd still give you an A+ at being pregnant." Thank you, dear!

Lately I've found myself reminiscing about the last 5 years we've been married. Our ups and downs, our trips we've taken, and other things we've done to have fun. When I stop and think about it we really have had "fun". Fun being married and enjoying each other's company. Fun exploring new places together. Just enjoying each other and falling more in love each day. I found myself this week really having a hard time grasping that the DINK (dual income, no kids) stage of our marriage will soon end and we will find ourselves in a whole new arena. I have feelings of excitement and fear as I wonder how this new dynamic will effect our marriage and views of each other.

I am so blessed that I am married to John and that we are in this new journey together. I'm sure that having our son will only make me fall more in love with him. Rather than stressing about the unknown, I need to do a better job of cherishing these "kid-less" weeks that remain in our marriage and trust God that he will guide us during this transition.

Boy, did I underestimate the emotions that come with the tiny little human we are about to meet. :)

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