Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Weeks 10 & 11

The weeks sure seem to be flying by! As of yesterday I only have 2 weeks left of my 1st trimester! Wow. Things have been pretty un-eventful. I'm still tired (what's new?) and my pants are starting to feel more snug. :) I've left some belly shots below. I think I'm starting to see a little bump. When I asked John if he could see anything he said, "ask me again in 2 weeks". Thanks, dear! :)
We just continue to be thankful and pray that this little babe keeps growing!
Week 10- please ignore the lack of make-up, pajamas, and wild hair. John quickly snapped this right before bed.
We went to a baby shower Saturday night. In order to wear my skinny jeans comfortable I had to bring out the belly band. I can still button my jeans however, once I eat a meal it becomes unbearable.
Week 11 started yesterday!
Thanks to my insurance company I was able to get a double-electric breast pump. I opted for the "up-sell" which was an additional charge. But, paying $100 for a good pump when they are normally $300 plus is still a smokin' deal!

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