Sunday, March 15, 2015

Week 8 Summary

Another week has come and gone! It's crazy that these weeks are flying by. There are days where it feels like time is dragging and then I stop and calculate and tomorrow will mark 4 more weeks until the end of my 1st trimester. Crazy! Here's the scoop lately....

  • I still continue to feel tired. This results in hitting a mid afternoon wall at work and finding myself falling asleep on the couch around 8:00. Thank goodness John is occupied in the evenings with school work, otherwise I'd totally be abandoning him.
  • I did go on a long walk on 3 occasions this week. One night I walked 3 miles and you would have thought I ran a half marathon by my level of tiredness that night. I'd like to jog a little but am reluctant as I don't want to elevate my heart rate too much.
  • Still bloated and pants are starting to feel a tad more snug than before. I did purchase  a few bella bands as I'm sure I'll need them in the near future.
  • Praise Jesus I have not yet vomited!!!! I pray that I don't (or at least if I do then it's minimal). I have been plenty nauseated. Once I'm awake in the mornings I can't lay in bed for very long. I usually have to get up fairly quickly and walk to the kitchen for either peanut butter toast or cereal.
John and I managed to sneak in a date night Thursday night that involved appetizers, drinks (a mocktail for me), and good conversation. :) With the chaos of school, work, and my excessive sleep schedule we haven't seen much of each other during the week. We did go to church this morning and noticed the abundance of babies that were in the sanctuary. As we left John professed how excited he was to have our baby here and to be able to load it up in the stroller and walk to the City Market on a Saturday and show our baby off.  There is no doubt in my mind that he will be the best, most proud, hands-on dad and I am already so thankful for that (and him)!

We have 1 week to go until our next appointment on the 23rd where we'll get to hear the heartbeat and maybe see our little peanut. Until then we will just continue to pray that all goes well and that our little one keeps growing and is healthy. :)

8 week pic
My new best friends: my snoogle (which I LOVE) and bella bands.

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