Sunday, March 8, 2015

Week 7 Recap

As week 7 comes to an end today, I was thinking back at how I felt this week compared to last week. So far I can report that week 7 was better than week 6 in terms of food aversions and nausea. Despite the mid week viral cold that sent me home midday on Wednesday, this week I seemed to do better with the occasional meat dish and even managed to devour a nicely grilled filet (courtesy of my baby daddy) yesterday as we fired up the grill.

The weather really took a turn for the better in KC this weekend, hitting 60 and even 70 degrees. John and I took advantage of the weather and walked to get pizza Friday night and then took a nice long walk to the West Bottoms yesterday to get some vitamin D. This weather really has us itching to get on our bikes soon! Hopefully this weather continues to stay nice so I am able to get in a ride or two before this baby bump gets too big. 

We enjoyed brunch at Barrel 31 in Martini Corner and had fun filling in more friends on our exciting news. Our babe will now be baby #2 in our group of friends. There was a picture taken at brunch but it was taken with someone else's phone.

Our Saturday night ended with John prying me off the couch to take me to our favorite ice cream place, Glace. It's not everyday my husband tells me he wants ice cream so I take advantage of the offer. The baby enjoyed it too!

Week 8 starts tomorrow and I hope that all continues to go well. Now with the weather getting nicer this week I'd like to start getting in more walks, slow jogs, and maybe even a swim or two.

Keep on growing little one! You are such a blessing.

Enjoying our Saturday walk to the West Bottoms in the balmy 70 degrees!! Thank you mother nature!

7 weeks and 4 days. What I hoped would be a smidge of a bump is really just "bloat". Soon enough this babe will start to show. Lets just say that this may have been the last time I wore my skinny jeans so they were UNCOMFORTABLE!

A creamy tuna and shells recipe that I made Thursday night. My sister Malia sent this my way from Mel's Kitchen Cafe blog. It did not disappoint!

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