Sunday, March 8, 2015

Will we still be cool?

John and I saw a funny commercial yesterday morning as we were relaxing on the couch watching our usual Saturday morning cooking shows. It was one about a couple who lives in the city. They have a baby and talk about how they'll never move to the suburbs. Then it fast forwards to them moving to a house in the suburbs. Then the dad makes a statement that he'll never buy a minivan. Fast forward again and then the dad is washing their minivan in the driveway of their house in the suburbs. You can see it in the youtube link below.

We got a pretty good laugh at this as we've already gotten some opinions from friends about how we need to immediately move to the suburbs just because we're expecting. We kindly remind people that we have a 2 bedroom condo and have room for a small baby. Yes, a house is in the works but, we are not going to rush into something just because we are expecting. We want to make a smart move and not an impulsive move.

Moving on....

As we were driving to get ice cream last night John looked at me and asked, "do you promise we'll still be cool?" I asked him what he meant by it and he said, "I mean, that we'll still take our baby and do stuff. Meet up with friends, go do social things." His concern was pretty cute. Aside from the obvious ways a baby changes your life I still envision us taking our baby for walks downtown to get pizza on a Friday night, or walking to the West Bottoms on a Saturday afternoon, take it to a Royals game, etc. We have so many friends that don't want to go do anything outside of their house just because they have a baby and I hope we continue to keep our same outlook once our little one is here.

So yes dear, I do still think we will be cool. :)


  1. I think we are way cooler now that we have kids. "Coolness" is like being awesome--it's a decision. Just choose to be cool, and you will be.
