Wednesday, March 11, 2015


I had a moment tonight. A big, hormonal moment that poor John took the heat on. Let's just say it's a terrible idea to not plan ahead on dinner. I'll admit, I'm bad at times and wait until I get home before throwing something together. I'm learning quickly that I need to be prepared with this baby. When I'm hungry I'm HUNGRY and need something within seconds.

Tonight I was leaving my office in Prairie Village. Starving. No dinner planned. I frantically ran through Hen House throwing the most random items in my cart.

Sweet potatos
Life cereal
Golden Grahams

You get the gist, totally random items.

I flew through the store and sped home calling John to light the grill so I could put the brats on the grill, STAT.

Long story short,  this momma has to do better with snacks as this child has the appetite of a veloca raptor!

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