Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Weeks 10 & 11

The weeks sure seem to be flying by! As of yesterday I only have 2 weeks left of my 1st trimester! Wow. Things have been pretty un-eventful. I'm still tired (what's new?) and my pants are starting to feel more snug. :) I've left some belly shots below. I think I'm starting to see a little bump. When I asked John if he could see anything he said, "ask me again in 2 weeks". Thanks, dear! :)
We just continue to be thankful and pray that this little babe keeps growing!
Week 10- please ignore the lack of make-up, pajamas, and wild hair. John quickly snapped this right before bed.
We went to a baby shower Saturday night. In order to wear my skinny jeans comfortable I had to bring out the belly band. I can still button my jeans however, once I eat a meal it becomes unbearable.
Week 11 started yesterday!
Thanks to my insurance company I was able to get a double-electric breast pump. I opted for the "up-sell" which was an additional charge. But, paying $100 for a good pump when they are normally $300 plus is still a smokin' deal!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sweet Sounds

John and I headed to the OB office for our monthly appointment this morning. I am officially 10 weeks today, yay! This was my first appointment with Dr. W and we were excited to finally hear the heartbeat. Cute story before proceeding.....I had gotten up in the middle of the night last night and found John still awake in bed. He confessed he couldn't sleep because he was so excited for our appointment. :)

We saw the heartbeat back in week 6 when they did the sonogram to determine my official due date. We chatted with Dr. W for a bit about my questions then we moved on to the best part......our little babe's heartbeat. Dr. W found the heartbeat within seconds of applying the doppler. I will never forget hearing our child's heartbeat for the first time. Ever. It's so amazing and we are so grateful that we got to hear this sweet sound. John even took a video on his phone so we can listen to it whenever we want. :) If I can improve my tech savvy skills I'll try to figure out how to put the video on the blog. Our little one's heart beat was racing at 177 bpm. Dr. W said that will gradually get slower over time and will probably be slower at my next appointment in April.

Other news about the appointment....

  • My BP was high: 150's/80's....oopsie!! She wasn't concerned as she knows I have a bit of "white coat" syndrome.
  • Urine test was normal.
  • I had gained 4 lbs since my first appointment (thanks to Aunt Meggie's cooking over the weekend). ;)
  • Apparently my lab results showed I am not immune to Rubella despite being fully vaccinated. So, once I deliver I'll be getting re-vaccinated.
We met with the office manager at the end of the appointment to go over the financial breakdown of what is to come and got a pretty hefty goodie bag. Our next appointment is April 24th- the 14 week mark. Then, May 26th is the big 19 week anatomy ultrasound where we will find out the gender! 

We are so excited and feeling so blessed that we got to hear our little babe today and get reassurance that things are moving along. Thank you Jesus for this amazing gift!

Week 9

Yet another week has flown by with this baby. I will say, week 9 was a good week. I did feel like I had more energy and had less nausea (double bonus)! John was more busy with work so I occupied myself after work in the evenings with laundry, knitting, cleaning, etc.
Not a lot to report. Just still praying that all continues to go well and that Baby L continues to grow! :)
John and I have different priorities these days with our grocery store purchases.
Glimpse of a baby bump?
A co-worker of mine mentioned trying these. We had stopped at Baby's R Us last night so I splurged. John totally made fun of me for this too. Whatever, the lemon one was good.

Weekend at the Widmer's

We enjoyed an overnight at the Widmer's this past weekend. We had intended to head there Friday night but, due to John working late and Bryce running a fever, we waited until Saturday. Baby L must have been excited to see it's cousins because momma was wide awake at 5:30am Saturday morning!
We got to Boonville about 10:45 and we were greeted with the biggest welcoming from Jack. :) He was definitely excited to see us, but was especially excited to see his buddy, Uncle John. The weekend was filled with lots of play time, delicious food (thanks, Aunt Meggie), and time to catch up with Meg and Deron.
Jack was also pretty funny about "the baby in my belly" topic. He is convinced that I have "10 babies" and that "the baby kicks and hurts my food"! :) He's a nut.
This momma also got to have fashion time with Meg as we sorted through 4 bins of maternity clothes (pays to have 2 older sisters!!). I ended up bringing home a large tote to sort through. I should only really  need to get pants (my sistesr have skinny buns unlike myself) and a few tops, otherwise I'm pretty set!
It was a great weekend to spend time with the Widmers! We are excited to see everyone again this coming weekend!
These 2 are quite the pair.
Story time before bed.
Play time
I don't know what these rice krispy treats are called that Meg made but they are like crack!
I also contributed by making cinnamon rolls from scratch. Please ignore the ugly presentation. I swear they are delicious!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


I mentioned in my previous post that I bought a "snoogle" pregnancy pillow. I understand I don't have a big baby bump yet. However, I wanted to be prepared. I will say that this pillow is already a fabulous investment.

1.) John says I don't toss and turn all night.
2.) I'm sleeping through the night again- you'd think I was an infant.
3.) I should have bought this pillow years ago.

I don't know what it is but it's magic and I feel like a new person this week thanks to this pillow.

That's all. :)

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Week 8 Summary

Another week has come and gone! It's crazy that these weeks are flying by. There are days where it feels like time is dragging and then I stop and calculate and tomorrow will mark 4 more weeks until the end of my 1st trimester. Crazy! Here's the scoop lately....

  • I still continue to feel tired. This results in hitting a mid afternoon wall at work and finding myself falling asleep on the couch around 8:00. Thank goodness John is occupied in the evenings with school work, otherwise I'd totally be abandoning him.
  • I did go on a long walk on 3 occasions this week. One night I walked 3 miles and you would have thought I ran a half marathon by my level of tiredness that night. I'd like to jog a little but am reluctant as I don't want to elevate my heart rate too much.
  • Still bloated and pants are starting to feel a tad more snug than before. I did purchase  a few bella bands as I'm sure I'll need them in the near future.
  • Praise Jesus I have not yet vomited!!!! I pray that I don't (or at least if I do then it's minimal). I have been plenty nauseated. Once I'm awake in the mornings I can't lay in bed for very long. I usually have to get up fairly quickly and walk to the kitchen for either peanut butter toast or cereal.
John and I managed to sneak in a date night Thursday night that involved appetizers, drinks (a mocktail for me), and good conversation. :) With the chaos of school, work, and my excessive sleep schedule we haven't seen much of each other during the week. We did go to church this morning and noticed the abundance of babies that were in the sanctuary. As we left John professed how excited he was to have our baby here and to be able to load it up in the stroller and walk to the City Market on a Saturday and show our baby off.  There is no doubt in my mind that he will be the best, most proud, hands-on dad and I am already so thankful for that (and him)!

We have 1 week to go until our next appointment on the 23rd where we'll get to hear the heartbeat and maybe see our little peanut. Until then we will just continue to pray that all goes well and that our little one keeps growing and is healthy. :)

8 week pic
My new best friends: my snoogle (which I LOVE) and bella bands.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


I had a moment tonight. A big, hormonal moment that poor John took the heat on. Let's just say it's a terrible idea to not plan ahead on dinner. I'll admit, I'm bad at times and wait until I get home before throwing something together. I'm learning quickly that I need to be prepared with this baby. When I'm hungry I'm HUNGRY and need something within seconds.

Tonight I was leaving my office in Prairie Village. Starving. No dinner planned. I frantically ran through Hen House throwing the most random items in my cart.

Sweet potatos
Life cereal
Golden Grahams

You get the gist, totally random items.

I flew through the store and sped home calling John to light the grill so I could put the brats on the grill, STAT.

Long story short,  this momma has to do better with snacks as this child has the appetite of a veloca raptor!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Will we still be cool?

John and I saw a funny commercial yesterday morning as we were relaxing on the couch watching our usual Saturday morning cooking shows. It was one about a couple who lives in the city. They have a baby and talk about how they'll never move to the suburbs. Then it fast forwards to them moving to a house in the suburbs. Then the dad makes a statement that he'll never buy a minivan. Fast forward again and then the dad is washing their minivan in the driveway of their house in the suburbs. You can see it in the youtube link below.


We got a pretty good laugh at this as we've already gotten some opinions from friends about how we need to immediately move to the suburbs just because we're expecting. We kindly remind people that we have a 2 bedroom condo and have room for a small baby. Yes, a house is in the works but, we are not going to rush into something just because we are expecting. We want to make a smart move and not an impulsive move.

Moving on....

As we were driving to get ice cream last night John looked at me and asked, "do you promise we'll still be cool?" I asked him what he meant by it and he said, "I mean, that we'll still take our baby and do stuff. Meet up with friends, go do social things." His concern was pretty cute. Aside from the obvious ways a baby changes your life I still envision us taking our baby for walks downtown to get pizza on a Friday night, or walking to the West Bottoms on a Saturday afternoon, take it to a Royals game, etc. We have so many friends that don't want to go do anything outside of their house just because they have a baby and I hope we continue to keep our same outlook once our little one is here.

So yes dear, I do still think we will be cool. :)

Week 7 Recap

As week 7 comes to an end today, I was thinking back at how I felt this week compared to last week. So far I can report that week 7 was better than week 6 in terms of food aversions and nausea. Despite the mid week viral cold that sent me home midday on Wednesday, this week I seemed to do better with the occasional meat dish and even managed to devour a nicely grilled filet (courtesy of my baby daddy) yesterday as we fired up the grill.

The weather really took a turn for the better in KC this weekend, hitting 60 and even 70 degrees. John and I took advantage of the weather and walked to get pizza Friday night and then took a nice long walk to the West Bottoms yesterday to get some vitamin D. This weather really has us itching to get on our bikes soon! Hopefully this weather continues to stay nice so I am able to get in a ride or two before this baby bump gets too big. 

We enjoyed brunch at Barrel 31 in Martini Corner and had fun filling in more friends on our exciting news. Our babe will now be baby #2 in our group of friends. There was a picture taken at brunch but it was taken with someone else's phone.

Our Saturday night ended with John prying me off the couch to take me to our favorite ice cream place, Glace. It's not everyday my husband tells me he wants ice cream so I take advantage of the offer. The baby enjoyed it too!

Week 8 starts tomorrow and I hope that all continues to go well. Now with the weather getting nicer this week I'd like to start getting in more walks, slow jogs, and maybe even a swim or two.

Keep on growing little one! You are such a blessing.

Enjoying our Saturday walk to the West Bottoms in the balmy 70 degrees!! Thank you mother nature!

7 weeks and 4 days. What I hoped would be a smidge of a bump is really just "bloat". Soon enough this babe will start to show. Lets just say that this may have been the last time I wore my skinny jeans so they were UNCOMFORTABLE!

A creamy tuna and shells recipe that I made Thursday night. My sister Malia sent this my way from Mel's Kitchen Cafe blog. It did not disappoint!