Friday, May 20, 2016

Not Slowing Down

Man, is our boy busy and he is only getting busier! He is on the move and gets faster each day. He's crawling like a champ and pulling up on anything and everything in sight. The other night he took it upon himself to crawl over to me, pull up and stand next to my legs, and then proceeded to stand up and LET GO! He didn't stand long before be fell onto his buns. But, seriously, is this normal?!!? He's at the ripe age of 7 months! He is clearly not slowing down and I am only assuming he is going to be an early walker. John and I keep talking about how we need to get a baby gate and I fear our days are limited at this point before we cannot keep up with our busy boy any longer.

My sweet, James....won't you please stop growing so fast?! Your first year is passing so quickly and we are trying to soak up all of these little moments as fast we we can.

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