Friday, May 6, 2016

April's End

April came and went in a flash. It was a total blur between the move, John's birthday, work, John's travel schedule, and me going away for a girls weekend amidst the chaos. But, as usual, we survived. Here is a re-cap of some of the events from the end of the month.
We celebrated Daddy turning the BIG 3-0 on the 26th! It was a low key evening spent having dinner as a family at our new favorite spot in Brookside, Bella Napoli. We both enjoyed a lovely dinner and a nice bottle of wine, while James was either content with a bottle or mum-mums.

James has also taken it upon himself to start pulling up on furniture, people, etc. I could not believe my eyes when one evening he decided to greet me in the chair by pulling these shenanigans.
"I think I can, I think I can..."
"Almost there!"
"Tah- dah!!"- As you can probably tell from my expression, I could not believe it!

Then, James thought it would be fun to crawl over to the steps in the den and pull up on those too! 
 And the fun continued in his crib...more standing and he is oh so proud! :)
"Look mom, I can do it!"
James also enjoyed his first Royals game! He did great and enjoyed watching all of the people and excitement around him.
The last weekend in April, we took a quick 24 hour trip to Grammy and Grandad's to load up the guest bed for the new house. James did not suffer from lack of attention one bit! :)
I love this picture.
Grabbing an afternoon nap with Grandad.
Taking a dip in the kitchen sink during bathtime!
Having fun with Grammy!

And then we ended April with more standing! Sheesh kid, SLOW DOWN! :)

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