Monday, May 16, 2016

Happy 7 Months!

My sweet James, you are 7 months old today! How can that be? I know I say it every month, but time is seriously flying and you are suddenly turning into this little active human. Some things about you right now....

You've started to become more vocal over this last month. You are babbling, screeching, laughing, etc. I swear even a few times I've heard you say momma as you are crying out for me. Totally melts me!
When we go to walk over to you to pick you up, either off the floor, in your crib, or in your exersaucer, you have started to put your arms up and reach for us. I find this particularly adorable. There are times when you have even crawled over to me, sat up, and then held your arms up in anticipation for me to pick you up. Love it!
Speaking of crawling, you are picking up speed and you are FAST! We really, really need to buy a baby jail because we can no longer leave you playing quietly on the floor as we make a quick run to the bathroom or run to get something from another room. Once you are on the floor you are exploring the room and likely on a mission for some power cords of some sort. I also need to get out those outlet covers that I have had stashed away and get them in place. I'm convinced you'll be an early walker and this scares me.
You are eating more solid foods, usually eating a fruit and veggie at school and some meat/veggie/fruit combo in the evening. You're slowly getting the hang of your sippy cup with a little water, love eating mum mums, and still think it's fun to wash down your food by sucking your thumb. :) You are still a rockstar at breastfeeding! You'll still nurse in the morning and before bed and take anywhere from 22-24oz at school. Little piglet! :) We are so thankful you are a good eater so far. I will admit that each month you get older I think about how weaning you is getting closer and it honestly hurts my heart to even think about. Even with the challenges of breastfeeding, I am so glad I have done it this long as it is our special time to bond and snuggle.
According to your visit at the pediatrician's office last weekend (darn ear infection and pink eye!) you weighed in at 18lbs 11oz. That is a whole 1 lb weight gain from 3 weeks ago at your 6 month check up.

I simply cannot believe you are already 7 months. These have been the happiest, hardest, funnest months of our lives and we are so blessed that you are ours!! It's so fun to watch you grow up and explore all of the things around you. I pray that you continue to be a happy and healthy baby.

We love you to pieces sweet boy!

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