Thursday, May 12, 2016

Sickness Strikes Again

Poor James. Just when we think we're in the clear from the winter illnesses, pink eye and an ear infection strike. I had picked him up from daycare last Thursday after work and noticed that he had a little bit of green-tinged eye drainage. My first though was of course pink eye, but the whites of his eyes were not red. His teacher at school had relayed a few weeks ago that pink eye was going around in the class but, I hadn't seen him display any symptoms so I thought we were in the clear. Friday morning I noticed more drainage, but he was happy, eating fine, no fever and once I wiped away the drainage nothing returned. So, off to school he went. The saga continued Friday evening and at that point I was prepared to take him in on Saturday.

We saw one of the pediatrician's on Saturday morning and he was instantly diagnosed with a double ear infection. Poor baby!! He was still happy as can be and you would have never guessed that he was sick. We started amoxicillin right away and went home to snuggle, which we did a lot of the rest of the weekend.

He's been doing pretty good majority of the week, although he started his nagging cough again over the last 24/48 hours. Poor guy is miserable and can't catch a break. I called the pediatrician's office again this morning to which she wanted us to re-start the breathing treatments and bring him in tomorrow if the cough continues. Funny part in all of this is that I had taken PTO tomorrow with the intention of taking James to daycare so that I could unpack, clean, and organize the new house with little interruption (oh, and we're also getting a new dishwasher delivered- yay!). Isn't it funny how things work out? Obviously James is the #1 priority as we just want him to feel better.

Praying that our sweet boy is on the mend soon!

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