Sunday, June 26, 2016


It seems our little guy has really changed in the last couple of weeks. He's gaining more personality, more mobility, continues to love trying new foods. Here are a few things noteworthy as of lately.

He's started this new "scrunchy face" smile. He mainly does it to be funny, although over the weekend he started doing it at us when we had to tell him to stop doing something. A little sas brewing? Seems like it.

Ah yes, the dishwasher. Our new BFF. We like to see what silverware we can get our hands on while also attempting to climb onto the door and make ourselves comfy. Maybe this will be his favorite chore someday?
And then there is this....chewing on the cabinet knobs. Not sure how this got started but he just figured this one out on Saturday. Think the kid is teething? ;) 
Another funny from the weekend. He now tries to climb through the play table. What he doesn't realize is that he has a little too much "junk in the trunk" to make it all the way through. Poor kid.
And then the climbing in the carseat. Backwards. Totally safe, right?
Awfully proud of himself.
Crawling through the kitchen. Maybe hunting for dropped Cheerios?
Master stair climber.......
And end table climbing. 
And then there is meal time. Where we are exploring all sorts of new foods. We have a new found passion for dinner, especially when dad lets us lose with the apple sauce container.
Apple sauce deep conditioning
Apple sauce facial mask
And hair mask
And then we are back to the cabinets. Phew, this boy is busy!!

Oh James. You're already keeping us on our toes and we wouldn't have it any other way. So thankful you are healthy and love exploring everything around you. We love you sweet boy!

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