Thursday, June 23, 2016

Des Moines Weekend

Last weekend, Aunt Malia and cousins Jillian and Adrienne were visiting Grammy and Grandad so James and I headed north for a visit. We left KC around 6 and arrive in Des Moines around bedtime and were greeted by the girl cousins. James, who slept the whole trip, woke up teary as I think he was a little overwhelmed with all of the estrogen. :)
After a little more time to get settled and take it all in, he had a few snuggles for the 3 Howe ladies.
After all of the arrival excitement the kids went to bed while us adults indulged in one of Grammy's prepared desserts. Saturday morning came quickly and the little ones were already in playtime mode. The girls really enjoyed smothering James with attention and all of their girly books and toys. :)
Look at this ornery face!!
After Aunt Malia and mommy returned from an afternoon of shopping, we all headed outside for a little water play. James played on the deck with a tub of water and some toys while the girls had no fear diving into the frigid blow-up pool.
LOVE these cute buns!
More post-swim snuggles and another ornery face from James.
Jillian was very interested in applying her mothering skills with James over the weekend. She had lots of questions for me about what James likes to eat, how he sleeps, etc. Her questions were super cute! She also enjoyed reading James books any time he seemed restless or fussy. You were a great helper, JiJi!! 
Snuggles with Grammy
On Sunday the whole gang loaded up to go to Jordan Creek to do some shopping and go out to dinner for Grandad's birthday (that was on Monday).
More Grammy snuggles.
Photo op in Barnes and Noble after the girls selected their goodies.
Grandad and James
Amidst all of the weekend fun, James was battling a pretty gnarly yeast diaper rash (thank you, Augmentin!). So he spent a lot of the weekend naked airing out his bum. :) I mean, could it get any cuter?
He also tried macaroni for the first time and absolutely LOVED it!! I re-named him the "Macaroni Monster".
More fun with JiJi. I absolutely adore this picture. It seems just like yesterday that Jillian was James' size.
Before we left on Monday, James, Grammy, and I took a stroll down the hill to the park so James could swing for the first time. The verdict? He loved it!! 
Grammy showing him the flowers.
Check out that hair! :)
It was a great weekend with family and we were glad to get the opportunity to see the Howe ladies. 

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