Thursday, June 16, 2016

8 Months

Sweet baby,
You are 8 months today. 8!! Another month with you has flown. Where does time even go? Some things about you right now....
  • You are a speed crawler and you are FAST! It's funny becuase you crawl with your left knee and push off with your right foot. So it kind of looks like you "gimp" around. Definitely cute.
  • You've had some pretty awful luck with ear infections lately. In fact, you're seeing ENT at Children's Mercy tomorrow AM. Praying that you don't need tubes but thinking it's probably on the horizon.
  • You pull up on anything and everything in sight. The ottoman, my legs, your jump-a-roo, chairs, kitchen cabinets, stairs. You name it, you pull up on it. I'm fearful you are going to walk in the next 1-2 months, well before you're 1.
  • You say, "mama" and "dada" and do a lot of other babbling. Super cute!
  • You are still a champion eater of breastmilk and table food. You've tried motst foods with the exception of a few. You have recently discovered that you LOVE macaroni!
  • You weigh just under 20 lbs, are in size 4 diapers, and are consistently wearing 12 month clothes. Sheesh!!
  • You loooooooooove your daddy. You light up any time that he's in the room and have been saying "dada" a lot more often than "mama".
The days are flying by crazy fast, and I'm suddenlystarting to see more of a toddler in you than an infant (insert tears here......). You wan to be busy and on the go and snuggles are geting more rare these days. But, we are happy and grateful that you are a healthy boy. We love you to the moon and back, sweet boy!
Mommy and Daddy


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