Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy 4th of July!

We had a low key 4th of July weekend this year. Normally we are out of town or are busy running around town with friends, but this year we took advantage of a long weekend at home. I'll admit, I'm glad we were home as James has yet another ear infection, started a new antibiotic Saturday, and has been sleeping horribly the ast 3 nights! I'm so thankful John has not been traveling and has been home to help. I digress...
John took James to the pediatrician Saturday morning while he sent me on my way to have some girl time with a friend at the City Market and antique shopping before heading to my hair apt. The weekend was mainly spent at home, grilling, relaxing, and enjoying family. We found our little firecracker to be exceptionally cute in his holiday attire! Last year he was baking in the oven at 24 weeks!
4th of July lunch at Grandmommy's
Snuggles for Grandmommy
Momma's boy
I think it's safe to say we had a relatively eventful day. We were home from Grandmommy's late afternoon and I got to enjoy some rare snuggles from my boy.
We hope everyone had a safe and fun 4th of July! 

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