Monday, February 22, 2016

Rolling Over

There is no stopping this kid now! We have officially rolled over from back to belly over the weekend and James only continues to pick up the speed and consistency in which he does so. John and I were doing stuff around the condo Saturday afternoon. We had laid James down on his play mat for a few minutes. He was pretty quiet and content doing so as per usual. John walked into the living room to check on him and quickly hollered at me to come take a look. Little turkey was on his side about to roll over onto his belly!!!

After a few grunts and kicks he finally made it over!
Then, Sunday morning came and I had heard James jabbering to himself in his crib. When he finally let me know his discontent with still being in his crib, I went in to get him and this was the scene....
"Uh oh, I'm busted...."
Looking pretty proud of his accomplishment. :) Check out that chunky wrist roll!
We had a good chuckle yesterday as we both realized that his mobility is going to be the most tame now and we better enjoy these limited days of immobility as possible. Because from this point forward we will either be chasing James and/or his sibling for the next 18+ years. Let the fun begin, right?
Then last night when I put him to bed, he immediately flipped onto his side and I was kind of fighting and frustrated that he was stuck. I flipped him onto his belly, he found his thumb, and was quickly in slumberland. I kept going back into his room to check on him as knowing he was on his belly kind of had us nervous. So, I flipped him back onto his back for a peace of mind (I'm just not ready to accept it!!). I went in this morning to get him up for daycare and this was the scene. :) I mean, how cute is that little bum in the air!?
Ok James, please stop growing up so fast! I guess we will now be signing the "sleep on your belly" permission slip form at school today....

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