Wednesday, February 17, 2016

4 Months

My Sweet turned 4 months old yesterday. How is that even possible?! I feel like we just brought you home from the hospital yesterday and now you are this chunky, vibrant 4 month old. Some things about you at this age....

  • You are such a smiley baby and you smile with your WHOLE body! Your smile lights up the room and anyone around you. It's so hard not to be happy around such a happy baby. :) All of your teachers at school comment on how much you smile every day.
  • You continue to be a good sleeper and for that we thank you! You rarely wake during the night to eat and are typically ready for bed anywhere between 7-8 in the evening. It does make me sad that by the time we get home from daycare, bathe, and eat that you are near bedtime and our time together while you're awake is limited for the day.
  • I believe you're in the early stages of teething. You drool a lot and are constantly chewing on your thumb, fingers, or a toy. I'm sure this is only the beginning....
  • You roll over from belly to back and are trying so hard to roll from your back to your belly. Apparently you've done back to belly at daycare, but I have yet to witness it. You try so hard but seem to always get stuck on your side. Once you figure out how to get your arm out of the way you will be rolling all over the place.
  • You are still a passionate eater. You continue to nurse like a champ and take bottles like a champ. You consistently want 6oz at a time with a bottle and will occasionally surprise me when you want 7-8 (sheesh, kid!). Dr. D did tell us over the weekend that it's not unlikely that you'll start accepting 8 oz bottles. How is mommy ever going to keep up!?
  • You're in a solid 6 month clothing size and I have no doubt you will soon be approaching 9 month sizes. In fact, I bought a few 9 month sleepers over the weekend as some of your 6 month sizes are starting to be a little snug. This makes mommy so sad!
  • You are a chatty guy. You always have a lot to tell mommy and daddy in the mornings and you will definitely let us know when you are tired or hungry. When you're tired you rub your eyes so hard with your fists. It's so hard not to think of how adorable you look doing it.
  • You are so alert and are really starting to notice objects around you. In fact, last week I noticed that you are really into grabbing anything that I have in my hand. You're constantly checking things out.
What can we say? with you just keeps getting better and better!!! You are the joy to our everyday and we look forward to watching you grow and develop in the days to come.

We love you!

Mommy and Daddy

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