Monday, February 15, 2016

4 Month Well Check

James had his 4 month well child check last Saturday and it turned out to be a bust! Rather than leaving with a clean bill of health and 4 month shots, we left with a baby that was coughing, wheezing, traumitization from being deep suctioned, and we are now proud owners of a nebulizer machine with albuterol (ugh!). We've still been battling the cough off and on. It seemed to come on stronger last Wednesday. I took him in to have his ears looked at but, all was well. His wheezing wasn't too great Friday night, but we watched him and waited until his appointment with his doctor Saturday morning. We've been doing albuterol treatments as needed for his poor little cough and wheezing. He thankfully seems to be doing better overall. We are still doing the treatments, mostly in the morning and late afternoon are when the wheezing seems to return. Through all of this the kid is still happy as a clam! He has been a little more clingy than usual, but I'm perfectly fine with the extra snuggles. :)

So, since we didn't get shots on Saturday we now have an appointment to return this Friday to follow-up on the cough/wheezing and to get his 4 month shots if he has a clean bill of health. Poor kid! The funny thing about all of this.... I had purposely scheduled his 4 month appointment on a Saturday so John could attend and participate in the drama of the shots this time (if you recall, he missed out on the 2 month shot visit because he was traveling for work). He'll be at work on Friday so he'll miss the fun yet again. Guess the joke is on mommy!!

We pray that James continues to feel better. So now, for the growth stats on our little (or not so little) man....

  • Height: 24.5 inches
  • Weight: 14 lbs 12 oz
  • Head circumference: 16.5 inches

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