Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Sickness Continues...

Alright, daycare germs....I surrender. You have seriously made our entire household miserable for the last 3 weeks. First it was RSV. Then hand, foot, and mouth. Now, we're back to the nasty cough. What gives?!? To make matters even more fun, mommy here also got hand, foot, and mouth. I wasn't aware you could get hand, foot, and mouth as an adult! Let me tell you, that was quite a miserable experience. I'll spare you all of the details but will share that it resulted in a horrible hand rash, sore throat, feet rash, and a 911 call for me over the weekend!
We all seemed to be on the mend earlier this week until I got a call from daycare yesterday saying J was running a low grade fever, his cough was getting worse, and he just wasn't sleeping. I had worried it could be his ears as John and I had caught him playing with his left ear over the weekend, but weren't sure if they were hurting or if he had just "discovered" them. He checked out ok at the doctor last night. A little fluid on the left ear but nothing to treat at this point. We're just supposed to keep an eye on the cough and bring him back in for suctioning if he needs it. James' 4 month well child check is this Saturday, so we're hoping he'll still be ok to get his shots.
I think it's safe to say we are MORE than ready for Spring and for these germs to go away!

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