Wednesday, July 29, 2015

28 Week Check-Up & Welcome 3rd Trimester!

I had my 28 week appointment and officially hit my 3rd trimester on Monday!! We're pleased to report that our little guy continues to do well. My appointment this time was rather lengthy as it involved my 1 hr glucose test, a sonogram, and then a visit with my OB.  This appointment was my last "monthly visit", which totally freaks me out that I'm now moving on to more frequent visits.

First up...... my glucose test. It wasn't as awful as everyone makes it sound. Yeah, the drink isn't good, but it could have been worse. I downed the orange flavored drink in 4 minutes before leaving home, then got my labs drawn right at the 1 hour mark. So, everything was timed perfectly.


My sonogram was after my labs. I got to see the same nutty (in a good way) sonographer again. This lady is a hoot and has been doing pre-natal sono's for 30 plus years so she's good! First things first she determined that he was head down, his little tush was on my left side, then his feet were up in my right rib cage. She then did some measurements on our little guy and determined he was about 3 lbs and 1 oz (whoa!). I was shocked that he is already estimated to be this big and I asked her if I should be worried. She said, "no, that's why they make drugs." NOT FUNNY! She did an unofficial BPP on him (Bio-Physicial Profile) and he passed with flying colors. Although he was a bit stingy with a good side profile shot, he faced us majority of the time and kept opening and closing his eyes. He was also snuggled in with his hand right under his chin, just like how his momma sleeps. :) Unfortunately, John wasn't able to be there, but the sonographer made sure to send me home with lots of pictures.

I ended the morning with seeing Dr. W and got the following report.....

  • BP was high initially (150's/80's). Retake after laying down for a while was 106/52. Figure that one out!
  • Urine was still free of protein and sugar.
  • Belly measured at 29cm.
  • Heart rate was in the 140's
  • Weight gain- about 3 lbs, total now is 20. She is not concerned about this number at all.

She said I would get a call in a few days if I didn't pass my glucose test. Otherwise, if it was normal I can carry on. I'm still crossing my fingers. We talked a little about Braxton-Hicks and how I have them occasionally but nothing consistent. Dr. W also told me she wanted to see me back weekly starting at my next visit on August 14th. She wants to do weekly BPP's, monthly growth checks, and then still do my visits with her every two weeks. Her reason for the BPP's are to monitor me and him more closely with my history of Factor V. I'm not complaining one bit that I get to see the little guy weekly. :) The sonographer did mention that if he doesn't pass something in the BPP right away that they would put me on a monitor in the office. She said to help avoid that I should drink a little caffeine or juice before my sonograms so we can catch him being active and not sleeping.

All and all it was a good visit. I was bummed John couldn't miss work to be there but, he is planning on going to one of my September appointments.

I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and can't seem to wrap my mind about how fast this pregnancy has gone. We've got 11 1/2 weeks left until we meet our son and yet so much to do between now and then. I'm just trying to soak it all up while I can and try not to stress about the little, un-important details. All that matters is that he's healthy and that we transition well as a family.

Keep up the good work little man. I can't wait to see you again on the 14th! :)

Profile shot
Facing us with  eyes open and right hand under his chin.
Another face and hand under chin view.
Confirming he is still a boy!
3rd Trimester! YAY!!!

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