Friday, July 10, 2015

25 weeks

When the 25 week mark hit, I suddenly had a surge of varying emotions running though me. Time is seriously going so fast and I often find my mind racing as I ponder my gigantic, pre-baby arrival to-do list.

I was looking through Aunt Meggie's blog the other night back to when she was pregnant with Jack and found this format that she had used for a weekly update. So I thought I would change it up a bit!

How Far Along? 25 weeks

Total Weight Gain: Scale at home says 18.

Maternity Clothes: Mostly. I can still wear some non-maternity items, but not many.

Sleep: Up and down. Some night's it's good and others I tend to toss and turn more. It's definitely getting more uncomfortable to just sleep on my side (makes my hips sore).

Best Moment This Week: Feeling little man kick high into my ribs.

Movement: TONS! He moves

Food Cravings: Frosted Mini-Wheats are still a current favorite.

Gender: BOY!

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button (in or out): Half in and half out...looks super weird!

What I miss: A nice cold beer on these hot summer days & a high intensity workout!

What I am looking forward to: Starting little man's nursery this weekend! Eeek!! :)

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