Tuesday, July 7, 2015

24 weeks

How is it possible that we only have just over 15 weeks until we meet our little man?!?!

Just thinking about how quickly this pregnancy is going scares me at times. I often find myself day dreaming of his birth and the emotions involved, how my delivery will go, and what life is truly going to feel like with a tiny human. It's exciting and somewhat scary at the same time.

Things that are happening.....

  • Insomnia- I have been awake more during the night just tossing and turning trying to get comfortable due to the increase in side of the bump over the last couple of weeks.
  • I'm addicted to Frosted Mini Wheats (thanks Aunt, Meggie!!!).
  • I'm feeling more movement- he's rolling,kicking, punching, and today he started taking an adventure into my right rib cage.
  • I'm feeling less agile and some things like bending over to put shoes on are getting harder to accomplish. 
  • I finished my first knit baby hat! 
Overall, I'm feeling good and time is passing by. Keep up the growing little one! 
My beloved mini-wheats...Costco edition.
My first ever knit baby hat!

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