Tuesday, May 26, 2015

It's a....


John and I were super excited to learn today that Baby Leach is a BOY! We have been waiting for this OB apt for weeks and it's so crazy to finally know that we have a little man on our hands. The boy was not shy with his private parts. In fact, the sonographer stated that even if we didn't want to know the gender, it would have been hard to hide as he was NOT modest. 

As usual, the sonographer was great. She took her time with us and really pointed out different things along the way. He is one active boy as he was punching, kicking, opening and closing his mouth, and just constantly moving. He was a little apprehensive to show us his 4 chambered heart. After a few belly taps and coaxing he finally gave in and gave us a good picture.

His report is great! He is just a few ounces away from 1lb, his heart rate was in the upper 150's, and all vital organs are growing as they should. We are truly greatful!!

My part of the check up was uneventful. BP and urine test was good and my bump is measuring on target. Thanks to our weekend NYC trip, I was highly displeased with the number on the scale, but the nurse practitioner was not concerned. I guess I need to take it easy on the desserts. :/

So without further ado, I give you our Baby Boy! 

P.s.- he has a name and has had it since his parents got married. It will be revealed on this "Birth"day. :)

Profile- he really liked his arm above his head and at one point looked like he was sucking his thumb.

Boy parts or as our oldest niece calls it "his peanuts". :)

His leg- which looks so long!


Cute, little foot

Another profile shot

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