Friday, May 15, 2015

First Flutters

I had thought about a week ago that I had felt a few flutters one afternoon. I wasn't sure. The locaion of he "twitch" I felt was a little higher than I had thought it should be, but I went with it.

Then, Monday came. It was about 4:00 in the afternoon. I was sitting at my desk at work, legs crossed, and kind of leaning over my desk when all of a sudden I felt a litle "tap" in my lower abdomen where my uterus is. I knew instantly that it was the baby. That was probably his/her way of saying, "hey mom, give me some room in here!"

I cannot begin to describe what an amazing feeling it is to feel those first flutters. In those moments I forget all of my worries and know that there is still a little one in there continuing to grow.

Since Monday I have had a few flutters each day. The happen mostly later in the afternoon and have occasionally happened right before bed.

Keep on growing little one! I can't wait to feel those kicks and punches get stronger with each week. Your dad is just as excited to feel them, he told me so. :)

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