Sunday, May 3, 2015


Not a day goes by that I don't wonder if this little miracle is a boy or girl. The anticipation of May 26th is eating at me! :) We have had several mixed opinions of our baby's gender (as you would expect). John is convinced it's a girl. But me, I'm pretty sure it's a boy. Here are my reasons.....

  1. I had a dream earlier in my first trimester that when I finally delivered the baby, my doctor held up a baby boy.
  2. A few weeks later I had a dream that we were at our sonogram and was told we were having a girl.
I have been waiting for this "tie breaker" dream and just Thursday night it happened. I had a dream that I sonogramed myself at work with a 3D sonogram and found a boy. What confirms my suspicion more is that my sister Megan text me on my way to work Thursday morning tell me she had a dream that we had a boy and we were calling him Robert and Mr. T (haha). 

Last weekend I also had John try the "ring on a string" wives tale and the ring swayed back and forth over my belly indicating boy.

Regardless of what we find on the 26th, we just want a healthy baby. While it's fun to dream and guess, we really do not have a preference. We pray daily that this little peanut continues to do well and that we get a good report on the 26th.


  1. You're having a girl! Your car will be loaded down with girl clothes when you leave here after 4th of July :)

  2. Guess we'll know for sure in 22 days!
