Monday, April 20, 2015

Welcome Week 14

Welcome week 14!! We are diving into trimester #2 and our little peanut is now the size of a lemon. I was reading last night on my "What to Expect" baby app and read that our baby has doubled in size from last week. So crazy and amazing! I'm feeling great and super anxious for my OB appointment this Friday. I can't wait to hear his/her heartbeat again. :)
My fatigue has passed and I feel more energetic throughout the day. I did notice some muscle cramping in my lower abdomen yesterday but read that this is likely due to early days of stretching. I definitely feel like I'm starting to fill out despite John thinking I still look the same aside from my small bump.
Proud daddy posing with the lemon.
14 week pic. Starting to see some changes.
A comparison between the week I found out we were expecting and our 14 week mark. See sisters, some growth!!
We went to the Legends outlets on Saturday to do some shopping. I needed maternity clothes that were dressy for work and John needed a few things. I got a little carried away at Motherhood Maternity and ended up with a rather heavy shopping bag. Luckily my hubby is a good sport and carried it around all afternoon without skipping a beat. I'm sure there aren't many men that would do that.
At Banana Republic in the men's section with the maternity shopping bag. :)
We made a little detour in the Ralp Lauren Polo Outlet and left with the adorable sleeper set below. We know we don't know what the baby's gender is yet, but both agreed a girl could rock the sleeper even with a white bow. How could we pass up the cuteness!?
I also started doing some closet purging on Sunday. I've needed to do this for some time now and finally bit the bullet. I pulled out all of the summer tops/dresses that I most likely won't be able to wear until next summer and set them aside for storage. I forgot to take an after picture but John was quick to state that there was much improvement.
We are so thankful for this journey and we're counting down the days until Friday's OB appointment! Keep on growing little lemon!

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