Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Name Game

Ah yes, the task of naming a future child. This is definitely no easy task. Since John and I have been together we have talked about names periodically that we have liked. Some serious and some not so serious. John likes to draft random and ridiculous names for me to quickly veto. :)

So just what will we name our little peanut?  Well, no one will know until his or her Birth-day. We decided long ago to keep our names a secret throughout our pregnancy.

I can say that if we have a boy, we are all set with the name.  It's a name we've had since our first year of marriage and have no doubts about it. Our girl name on the other hand has been tough. It's hard to come up with a good girl name. Some names we've thrown around I can't help but think of a girl that I know with the name and it always seems to be a girl I don't particularly care for.

We've got just over 6 weeks until we find out the baby's gender. Then we will really know what we are up against. :)

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