Sunday, April 26, 2015

14 Week OB Appointment

We had our 14 week OB appoinment last Friday morning. I'm pleased to say that Baby Leach got a good report.

  • My BP was 120/58- on the 2nd attempt after the nurse made me lay down on my left side for a new minutes. My initla reading was 160's/80's. Can we say white coat syndrome?!
  • Momma has gained a total of 8lbs. Nothing was discussed about whether this number was good or bad.
  • Heartbeat- this is always the BEST part of the visit!! :) Baby's heartrate was good and strong between 160-163/bpm. My OB held the doppler over the heartbeat for a while to get a good listen and we got anohter video. It's definitely the BEST sound in the world and I can't help bit smile ear to ear.

The appointment was pretty short and sweet. We chatted a bit about some questions/concerns that I had and then discussed more about my Factor 5 and what that meant later on in pregnancy. I was told I'll be getting monthly US's towards the end...fine by me! 

We left feeling more excited and even more thankful that we are on this journey! My next appointment is Tuesday, May 26th, where we will do the big anatomy scan and find out the gender of our little peanut. Keep on growing little one. We love you to pieces and are so anxious to meet you in October.

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