Sunday, April 26, 2015

14 Week OB Appointment

We had our 14 week OB appoinment last Friday morning. I'm pleased to say that Baby Leach got a good report.

  • My BP was 120/58- on the 2nd attempt after the nurse made me lay down on my left side for a new minutes. My initla reading was 160's/80's. Can we say white coat syndrome?!
  • Momma has gained a total of 8lbs. Nothing was discussed about whether this number was good or bad.
  • Heartbeat- this is always the BEST part of the visit!! :) Baby's heartrate was good and strong between 160-163/bpm. My OB held the doppler over the heartbeat for a while to get a good listen and we got anohter video. It's definitely the BEST sound in the world and I can't help bit smile ear to ear.

The appointment was pretty short and sweet. We chatted a bit about some questions/concerns that I had and then discussed more about my Factor 5 and what that meant later on in pregnancy. I was told I'll be getting monthly US's towards the end...fine by me! 

We left feeling more excited and even more thankful that we are on this journey! My next appointment is Tuesday, May 26th, where we will do the big anatomy scan and find out the gender of our little peanut. Keep on growing little one. We love you to pieces and are so anxious to meet you in October.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Welcome Week 14

Welcome week 14!! We are diving into trimester #2 and our little peanut is now the size of a lemon. I was reading last night on my "What to Expect" baby app and read that our baby has doubled in size from last week. So crazy and amazing! I'm feeling great and super anxious for my OB appointment this Friday. I can't wait to hear his/her heartbeat again. :)
My fatigue has passed and I feel more energetic throughout the day. I did notice some muscle cramping in my lower abdomen yesterday but read that this is likely due to early days of stretching. I definitely feel like I'm starting to fill out despite John thinking I still look the same aside from my small bump.
Proud daddy posing with the lemon.
14 week pic. Starting to see some changes.
A comparison between the week I found out we were expecting and our 14 week mark. See sisters, some growth!!
We went to the Legends outlets on Saturday to do some shopping. I needed maternity clothes that were dressy for work and John needed a few things. I got a little carried away at Motherhood Maternity and ended up with a rather heavy shopping bag. Luckily my hubby is a good sport and carried it around all afternoon without skipping a beat. I'm sure there aren't many men that would do that.
At Banana Republic in the men's section with the maternity shopping bag. :)
We made a little detour in the Ralp Lauren Polo Outlet and left with the adorable sleeper set below. We know we don't know what the baby's gender is yet, but both agreed a girl could rock the sleeper even with a white bow. How could we pass up the cuteness!?
I also started doing some closet purging on Sunday. I've needed to do this for some time now and finally bit the bullet. I pulled out all of the summer tops/dresses that I most likely won't be able to wear until next summer and set them aside for storage. I forgot to take an after picture but John was quick to state that there was much improvement.
We are so thankful for this journey and we're counting down the days until Friday's OB appointment! Keep on growing little lemon!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Welcome 2nd Trimester

Happy Monday and welcome 2nd trimester! It's definately surreal to be in week 13. I'm feeling great and am anxious to hear our babe again at next week's appointment. I had a good chuckle this morning when I realized our Little Leach is the size of a peach. :)

What a great feeling to have made it this far. We continue to thank God daily for our little miracle.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Week 12

Week 12 has probably been the best/my favorite week thus far. Aside from minimal a.m. nausea, I have felt great. I'm sleeping good, have more energy,  and a little less tired. I was proud of myself this week as I made it to the gym 4 days after work to either do the elliptical or walk. I'd like to start doing some light leg and arm exercises to keep muscle tone so we'll see how that goes next week.
John and I managed to go on a date night to a Royal's game this week. It was game 2 of the 2015 season. It was great to be at the ballpark again. The last time we were at The K was for game 6 of the world series in October. Our little peanut was just a wish at that stage in life and now we were at the game as a family of 3. :) We can't wait to load up the baby next year and go to a game.
I can't believe Monday marks the start of my 2nd trimester. Time is sure passing quickly! Keep on growing little one. Keep on. :)

The Name Game

Ah yes, the task of naming a future child. This is definitely no easy task. Since John and I have been together we have talked about names periodically that we have liked. Some serious and some not so serious. John likes to draft random and ridiculous names for me to quickly veto. :)

So just what will we name our little peanut?  Well, no one will know until his or her Birth-day. We decided long ago to keep our names a secret throughout our pregnancy.

I can say that if we have a boy, we are all set with the name.  It's a name we've had since our first year of marriage and have no doubts about it. Our girl name on the other hand has been tough. It's hard to come up with a good girl name. Some names we've thrown around I can't help but think of a girl that I know with the name and it always seems to be a girl I don't particularly care for.

We've got just over 6 weeks until we find out the baby's gender. Then we will really know what we are up against. :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Baby's First Onesie

Baby Leach got it's first onesie over the weekend (pictured below). I saw this onesie months ago at a local KC store and thought that it would be a must for our future child. Baby L is going to be stylin' :)

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Family Time

Sunday was a big day in KC. The Howe's had planned a trip to the KC area for a few days and rallied the troops for a fun day in "Leach Land". It was so great to see everyone and to get the gang together. There was a lot of eating, playing, and social time involved in the day. I confess my pregnancy hormones took me for a dive as I sobbed in tears when the days events ended.  It was so good to see my sisters and I think it hit me that life has sure changed with all of these little ones. I am beyond thankful for my family and am so blessed our little one will have such loving aunts, uncles, and cousins. What more could a mom-to-be want? 

I have recapped the days events via pictures below. Enjoy!
Coffee and Beignets in the City Market with these goof balls.
Pizza with the whole gang!

Bryce excited to see his girl cousins.
The gang is reunited.
Hugs for Uncle John
This is the closest Bryce would let me get to him. But isn't he adorable with his minion hat?!?!
Running free at the park.
Hunting for Easter eggs.
Still hunting.....
I love this...Bryce in his own world. :)
Bubble time!
A trying to sneak a piece of candy.
LOVE this pic!
Poor, Bryce!
Nervous Nellies :)
Uncle J and Daddy Matt chillin' at the park.
Peaceful story time at the condo.
A rare sisters pic.