Wednesday, August 9, 2017

MN Weekend

We took a quick weekend trip to MN to visit the Howe's last weekend. Our adventure started late Thursday afternoon as we hit the road in KC around 4:00PM. Our initial plan wasn't to drive the whole way in one night, but we figured we would chance it. We decided to stop mid-way at Grammy and Grandad's for a break so James could stretch his legs. We devoured a quick Jimmy John's prior to Grammy's unveiling of some homemade ice cream with fudge sauce (heaven!!).

We arrived in MN at 11:59 PM. The Howe clan was in bed, so we snuck in and went straight to bed ourselves. James slept majority of the way and transitioned easily to bed (with us, of course). He was excited to see the girls on Friday morning!

Early morning story time.
Friday was a busy day, packed with fun at Oxbow Zoo and park for the kids to run free and then lunch at a local brewery.

Oxbow Park
Checking out the Bear at the Oxbow Zoo.
 Uncle Matt arrived home from work and found it fun to introduce James to his creepy puppet.  James did end up giving him a high five.

Saturday Uncle Matt and Daddy headed out for an early morning tri, while us girls and James had a full morning planned between the donut shop, farmer's market, the park, and Pi Pizza and then naps back at the house.

Farmer's Market fun with balloon animals

Park fun with the girls

My new favorite picture!
Finally...a nap!
Dinner on Saturday involved some "roni's"
Pre-bed snuggles
We enjoyed Saturday evening at the house, grilling and letting the kids play around the house. Albeit quick, it was a great weekend with family and it was so fun to see James interact with his girl cousins.  

Obligatory departure picture
The trip home....he really was a trooper in the car both ways!
After what was turning out to be a long stretch from Des Moines to KC, James took advantage of his "Buckle Whale Toy". He kept passing it back and forth to me to unbuckle and then he would buckle them. This kid is so something else. :) 

Not bad for a 21 month old

Albeit short, it really was a great weekend. Thanks again, Howe's for hosting us!

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