Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Farewell, One Year Old Class....

A little late as usual on this post, but James is about 3 weeks into his time in the new 2 year old room at school. It's still so hard for me to grasp that he is ready to transition yet again, but he was so ready. I will forever cherish his 1 year old class teachers and all that they did throughout the last year for James and our family. Those women sacrificed so much patience and love for our boy throughout the days that he was there continuously teaching him and helping him grow. We will eternally be thankful for them!

James has accepted the 2 year old room well so far. The room is 3-4 times the size of the toddler room and so many toys and things to explore. He is 1 of 16 kiddos, which seems absolutely crazy to me (God bless those teachers!). Some things so far to note about his new journey.

  • Potty training- he is SUPER interested and has started using the potty routinely at school. We transitioned him to pull-ups (sniff, sniff) when we send him to school and he seems to be doing great so far. His first week we took it upon himself to march into the bathroom and sit on the potty (clothes on) just because the other kiddos were doing it. His teachers seem great and are on board with whatever we want to do, which is super helpful!
  • His vocabulary is booming! His words and sentences are becoming more clear and his little personality is flourishing.
  • Tiredness- man, is this kid tired when we get home or what! I guess all of that outside/playtime really gets to him. This momma isn't complaining as the boy needs to blow off some energy!
  • Drop off seems to be hard per Dad's report. Separation anxiety is real and we only hope this gets better.
  • The age and developmental difference between 2 and almost 3 year olds seems to be huge. John and I are currently struggling with James being the "little fish" in his room and internally worry that he gets picked on because he is not developmentally there. We realize he will get there, but just part of the "parent worry" when your kiddo is the littlest one in the class.

We are hoping and praying for yet another successful year in a new room. We are so proud of James and the little toddler he has become. It is such a joy to watch him grow, develop and discover new things every day!

We love you sweet boy!

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