Tuesday, August 1, 2017

21 Months

I wasn't planning on doing another age milestone post until James turned 2, but after thinking about it there are just too many funny things going on now that I have to document.

  • His personality is really blossoming! His expressions are so funny and he is sharp as a tack, noticing everything in sight and not forgetting past things we have done, places we have gone, etc. He is also starting to become rather sensitive. There have been a few times that I have had to reprimand him for things to which he just looks down and pouts.
  • His vocabulary has exploded in the last month. I have lost track at all of the words he knows, etc. He is also repeating EVERYTHING which has now created the habit for us of spelling everything.
  • Potty training- he is still sitting on the potty before bath. I think he has actually peed in the potty one time and it was not intentional. He has the most fun with flushing and then clapping in excitement that he "used potty". He is however becoming more aware of when he fills his diaper, often quick to tell us when he poops. I would be willing to bet that he is potty trained by the end of this year/early 2018. He will transition to his new 2 year old class in August and from what I have been told the teachers are great when it comes to potty training.
  • Things he loves
    • Being outside
    • The stroller
    • Peanut butter
    • Crackers- any variety really
    • Watching Royals games
    • His friends at school
    • Puzzles
    • Books
    • Climbing
  • Things he dislikes
    • Currently- the bedtime routine
    • Coming inside if he's been outside
    • Vegetables
    • Going to bed (see next bullet point for more details!)
  • Bedtime- to date is NOT going well. Bedtime has been a battle spent with much protest, tears, and telling mom or dad to "lie down now!". The newest shenanigans has involved James thinking it's fun to tamper with his diaper leading to some "not so fun" poop encounters. Lord, help me!!

All hard times aside, this boy is sure fun and is the best gift and blessing imaginable. I will say, he's lucky he is cute! We love you sweet boy! Keep growing and keep keeping us on our toes.

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