Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Happy 4th- North Carolina Style!

We spent the week in North Carolina over the 4th of July holiday. It was a great, relaxing week with family and was fun to reminisce back to the days when John and I used to visit pre-James. It's where our story officially began with John proposing 8 years ago on the 4th of July while taking a walk on the beach and fireworks going off all around. Here is the week's recap with pictures. A great time was had by all and we're looking forward to the next visit!

Waiting to depart from KC.
About to take off from KC to NC. Note that John is already asleep catching flies. Ha!
Ahhh....finally, the beach! Obligatory walk on the beach upon arrival.
The last time John and I sat on the same bench we were 3 years into marriage and sans James. A lot can change in a just a few years.
Cousin Brittany joined us at the beach.
Obligatory Bojangles Bo-Berry biscuit for breakfast on day 2.  A guilty, southern pleasure.
James and John asleep on the couch at 10:00 AM. Bedtimes were ROUGH on vacation.....
Morning walk on the beach collecting shells while the boys nap.
Bubbles on the beach!
Finally loving the water
Strollin' and snugglin' on the beach.
Happy 4th!!! All festive in 4th of July jammies.
Beach snacks and chats with momma.
Happy 4th! This was as good as it was going to get for a family pic.
Celebrating our "Engage-iversary" with a waterfront, seafood dinner. **Not pictured- our screaming, hysterical toddler that refused to be decent at dinner.
Ice cream treat! I heart this picture and that sweet, little hand.
Good 'til the last drop!
More water fun!
Sand fun with momma
My boy.
The last time we were at Atlantic beach in 2013 and present in 2017.
An attempt at getting a family picture.
Beach babe.
The result of hitting daddy with a stick.
We enjoyed an evening of fun with John's family. His cousin has a little girl just a few months older than James so he enjoyed all of the girly toys their house had to offer. :)
Headed home!

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