Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Farewell, One Year Old Class....

A little late as usual on this post, but James is about 3 weeks into his time in the new 2 year old room at school. It's still so hard for me to grasp that he is ready to transition yet again, but he was so ready. I will forever cherish his 1 year old class teachers and all that they did throughout the last year for James and our family. Those women sacrificed so much patience and love for our boy throughout the days that he was there continuously teaching him and helping him grow. We will eternally be thankful for them!

James has accepted the 2 year old room well so far. The room is 3-4 times the size of the toddler room and so many toys and things to explore. He is 1 of 16 kiddos, which seems absolutely crazy to me (God bless those teachers!). Some things so far to note about his new journey.

  • Potty training- he is SUPER interested and has started using the potty routinely at school. We transitioned him to pull-ups (sniff, sniff) when we send him to school and he seems to be doing great so far. His first week we took it upon himself to march into the bathroom and sit on the potty (clothes on) just because the other kiddos were doing it. His teachers seem great and are on board with whatever we want to do, which is super helpful!
  • His vocabulary is booming! His words and sentences are becoming more clear and his little personality is flourishing.
  • Tiredness- man, is this kid tired when we get home or what! I guess all of that outside/playtime really gets to him. This momma isn't complaining as the boy needs to blow off some energy!
  • Drop off seems to be hard per Dad's report. Separation anxiety is real and we only hope this gets better.
  • The age and developmental difference between 2 and almost 3 year olds seems to be huge. John and I are currently struggling with James being the "little fish" in his room and internally worry that he gets picked on because he is not developmentally there. We realize he will get there, but just part of the "parent worry" when your kiddo is the littlest one in the class.

We are hoping and praying for yet another successful year in a new room. We are so proud of James and the little toddler he has become. It is such a joy to watch him grow, develop and discover new things every day!

We love you sweet boy!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

MN Weekend

We took a quick weekend trip to MN to visit the Howe's last weekend. Our adventure started late Thursday afternoon as we hit the road in KC around 4:00PM. Our initial plan wasn't to drive the whole way in one night, but we figured we would chance it. We decided to stop mid-way at Grammy and Grandad's for a break so James could stretch his legs. We devoured a quick Jimmy John's prior to Grammy's unveiling of some homemade ice cream with fudge sauce (heaven!!).

We arrived in MN at 11:59 PM. The Howe clan was in bed, so we snuck in and went straight to bed ourselves. James slept majority of the way and transitioned easily to bed (with us, of course). He was excited to see the girls on Friday morning!

Early morning story time.
Friday was a busy day, packed with fun at Oxbow Zoo and park for the kids to run free and then lunch at a local brewery.

Oxbow Park
Checking out the Bear at the Oxbow Zoo.
 Uncle Matt arrived home from work and found it fun to introduce James to his creepy puppet.  James did end up giving him a high five.

Saturday Uncle Matt and Daddy headed out for an early morning tri, while us girls and James had a full morning planned between the donut shop, farmer's market, the park, and Pi Pizza and then naps back at the house.

Farmer's Market fun with balloon animals

Park fun with the girls

My new favorite picture!
Finally...a nap!
Dinner on Saturday involved some "roni's"
Pre-bed snuggles
We enjoyed Saturday evening at the house, grilling and letting the kids play around the house. Albeit quick, it was a great weekend with family and it was so fun to see James interact with his girl cousins.  

Obligatory departure picture
The trip home....he really was a trooper in the car both ways!
After what was turning out to be a long stretch from Des Moines to KC, James took advantage of his "Buckle Whale Toy". He kept passing it back and forth to me to unbuckle and then he would buckle them. This kid is so something else. :) 

Not bad for a 21 month old

Albeit short, it really was a great weekend. Thanks again, Howe's for hosting us!

More Summer Fun

Summer seems to be flying by at the speed of light! But boy has it been fun, and it's not over yet!! Here is a run down via pictures to date.

John took the week off after our NC trip. It just so happened we both had Friday off. He suggested we take James to daycare for the day and then head out for a fun couples day sans James. So we started off with a round of golf! 

Post day date lunch beers at a local brewery.
We spent an evening at KC Bier Co. (aka the new love of Brookside parents everywhere!). We enjoyed dinner and an adult beverage while James played in the kid friendly bier garten. Double win!!
We took a ride on the Street Care one morning to pass some time. James LOVED it!
We enjoyed a Saturday morning play date at the splash park with Savannah.
This may always be one of my favorite pictures.
We started reinforcing some time out time in our house. James clearly has his own opinion on how timeouts should go.... :/
Mommy enjoyed a weekend in DM with her family of origin, sans kids and spouses. It was a great weekend and yet weird because I felt like I should have been tending to a wild toddler. Many beverages and desserts were consumed!
We enjoyed a nice dinner out, just the 5 of us.
I returned on Sunday afternoon and had a snuggle session with this sweet boy.
Shark week happened and James LOVED it!
I caught James one night impromptly feeding Pooh. "Dink it, Pooh!"
The result of a 4 AM wakeup on mommy's day off
Play date with his buddy Ben and his momma.
Summer is for water play and popsicles!
Another Friday night at KC Bier Co. Only this time with a homemade ice cream sandwich paired with a beer. YUM!
Fun at KC Bier Co. Daddy is clearly the "fun parent".
Saturday morning park session with Uncle Kyle and Aunt Bethany who just moved back from KC and live just 3 blocks away. YAY!
Ice cream night
"Gammy" made an impromptu stop in KC to give us some love and lots of story time. :)

Summer, we oh so love you, and will be soaking up the remaining days as fall quickly approaches!

Happy 4th- North Carolina Style!

We spent the week in North Carolina over the 4th of July holiday. It was a great, relaxing week with family and was fun to reminisce back to the days when John and I used to visit pre-James. It's where our story officially began with John proposing 8 years ago on the 4th of July while taking a walk on the beach and fireworks going off all around. Here is the week's recap with pictures. A great time was had by all and we're looking forward to the next visit!

Waiting to depart from KC.
About to take off from KC to NC. Note that John is already asleep catching flies. Ha!
Ahhh....finally, the beach! Obligatory walk on the beach upon arrival.
The last time John and I sat on the same bench we were 3 years into marriage and sans James. A lot can change in a just a few years.
Cousin Brittany joined us at the beach.
Obligatory Bojangles Bo-Berry biscuit for breakfast on day 2.  A guilty, southern pleasure.
James and John asleep on the couch at 10:00 AM. Bedtimes were ROUGH on vacation.....
Morning walk on the beach collecting shells while the boys nap.
Bubbles on the beach!
Finally loving the water
Strollin' and snugglin' on the beach.
Happy 4th!!! All festive in 4th of July jammies.
Beach snacks and chats with momma.
Happy 4th! This was as good as it was going to get for a family pic.
Celebrating our "Engage-iversary" with a waterfront, seafood dinner. **Not pictured- our screaming, hysterical toddler that refused to be decent at dinner.
Ice cream treat! I heart this picture and that sweet, little hand.
Good 'til the last drop!
More water fun!
Sand fun with momma
My boy.
The last time we were at Atlantic beach in 2013 and present in 2017.
An attempt at getting a family picture.
Beach babe.
The result of hitting daddy with a stick.
We enjoyed an evening of fun with John's family. His cousin has a little girl just a few months older than James so he enjoyed all of the girly toys their house had to offer. :)
Headed home!