Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Toddler life lately....

We are deep into the world of "toddlerhood" in our house. There are SO many things that I am loving about this age/stage and SO many things that are challenging. Let's see if I can recall most of them.

This guy- he's purely just the happiest kid. His personality clearly outlines that he is passionate about anything he is doing that given moment, and if he doesn't approve he will let you know. :)

James love animals, especially aquatic life. With his current obsession of fish (thanks, Finding Dory), we took him into the nearby Pet Store to scope out the fish. Definitely a huge hit!
"Pish, Pish!!"
The kid is a passionate eater...but only for the things he likes (carbs, dairy, etc). Although, one day he may love bananas and then the next wants nothing to do with one. Why are toddlers like this??? I continue to be perplexed.

James has apparently started a new "cheese face".

He still loves a good nap in his car seat. Here he is, post splash pad play date with PJ a few weekends ago. Clearly worn out! 

And lets not forget about the KC Royals! We've taught him young and taught him well that the Royal's are who he should root for, regardless of their poor season thus far. He constantly wants to watch the "Royash" and is always looking for "Salvy", "Moose", and "Hoor- Hey". Raise them Royal, right?
Getting his daily dose of the Royals.

Along with his current obsession of the Royals comes his obsession with "Beish-ball" in the backyard. Here is he critiquing daddy on his form. :)

Other things James is currently obsessed with are puzzles. He is crazy good at them and has now started putting the pieces in the wrong place just to mess with us. He will say "ink" (pink) as he puts the pink tail with the white face and say, "noooo!", like he knows it doesn't below there. Silly boy!

 He also has some serious love for watermelon! One day he nearly devoured a quarter of a watermelon. He especially thinks it's fun to eat it in a wedge and not in little pieces. Big boy!

Another recent "first" was last weekend at John's company picnic where James enjoyed his first carnival ride. He loved it! Daddy on the other hand did not. :)


Life continues to be a blast with our little guy. Each day he teaches us something new and continuously laughs. I'm amazed as his ongoing development and how sharp he is.

We love you sweet boy and we hope you always keep your spark and zest for life!

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